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[GIVEAWAY] Any pokemon you want
Add me, I would like a Charizard, Mew, Mewtwo, Darkrai..

i have a EU Darkrai code to trade as well
celebi please
If you still have shiny haxours can I get it if not can I get kyogre
Hi, do you have a hidden ability Sneasel & Wooper? And just asking the obvious, are you saying "special" Pokemons are legendary Pokemons?
If you're able Porygon-Z
I am interested in the Shiny Magikarp if its still available and would be every so happy if you have a female Eevee on this give away and heads up to others that i am willing to trade my Dragonair that has Pokerus for a shiny Eevee I understand if that is not a fair trade and wont ask for that to happen then but those 2 if you still have them aviable for give away i would be ever so pleased.

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