Hi Everyone
I'm Gianni, i'm 16 year old and playing pokemon since 2001 (yellow is my first game and i'm still playing it as of today)
The latest version i'm currently owning is Pokemon X, i might wait for OR/AS for another couple of months.
My favorite pokémon is Gengar wich i'm also currently owning in my party.
My current team in X is: Gengar, (Shiny) Gardevoir, Charizard, Sceptile, Blaziken & Swampert (feel free to rate my team)
Besides playing pokemon, i'm also going to the gym and i'm Striker in a nearby Soccer club and also play alot on my PS3!

I'm Gianni, i'm 16 year old and playing pokemon since 2001 (yellow is my first game and i'm still playing it as of today)
The latest version i'm currently owning is Pokemon X, i might wait for OR/AS for another couple of months.
My favorite pokémon is Gengar wich i'm also currently owning in my party.
My current team in X is: Gengar, (Shiny) Gardevoir, Charizard, Sceptile, Blaziken & Swampert (feel free to rate my team)
Besides playing pokemon, i'm also going to the gym and i'm Striker in a nearby Soccer club and also play alot on my PS3!