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[HELP] Help??
My little cousin reset my DS as a joke and now I don't have any of my games (all downloaded/bought on the Nintendo store) how do I gain access to the old data if possible? I'm redownloading Y right now, but I might not have any of its data as in my shinies legends etx.. can anyone help and let me know what to do?
I tend to give away free shinies.
The save file should be saved on the SD card as it was a downloaded game, so you're most likely safe.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
Oh my goodness that is a good thing to hear. It's taking forever to download the suspense is killing me ugggh xD
I tend to give away free shinies.
It forced me to start over, oh boy. Back to day one LOL
I tend to give away free shinies.
Damn... Good luck with that! Let me know if you need anything!
You poor soul
Life only happens once. Make the most out of it.

I main Tracer for some reason...
My Friend Safari is Flying with Pidgey, Fletchiender and Swanna. Feel free to add me!

Also, my name is Hayden... Why am I Johnnyspyguy?
(Jun 29, 2016, 04:43 PM)NoRaTiX Wrote: It forced me to start over, oh boy. Back to day one LOL
In the aaaarms of the angels, fly awaaaay!
Hooooo boy that's not good
Johnnyspyguy and Yveltal just made a Disney song blare in my head. "Poor unfortunate sooouls!"
I'm kinda surprised that it actually wiped your game card, that really really sucks. You have my sympathies. >_<
My Pkmn X Friend Safari - Fire
#1: Growlithe + #2: Larvesta + #3: Braixen
If you don't want your safari info posted, please let me know!
If you have previously backed up your save data on your 3DS any data that your cousin deleted can be restored (though it will overwrite anything you just downloaded and won't bring back data that you never backed up).

The option for restoring back up data is in "System Setting" (found in the start up menu for the 3DS) and can be found in "Data Management" section.

From there simply click "save-data backup" and then "Restore".

I really do hope this helps, having your pokemon saves messed with or deleted is terrible. Back when Diamond&Pearl came out I was playing Pearl and my little cousin walked over and turned my 3DS off while I was playing. No real reason, she just thought it'd be funny. I always keep my videogame stuff far away from cousins since that incident. XP You have my sympathy, friend.

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