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Heya everyone reading this.

My name is Daniel and i live in the Netherlands. Sometimes i use my nickname OnomaNunn as OT and sometimes Daniel is my OT (depends on the game).

Pokémon for me means helping others without expecting anything in return.

I own a Powersaves for 3DS/2DS which i mostly use to clone pokémon for people that are missing that one pokémon to complete their dex.
When i help someone with a trade i usually ask that person to send me any pokémon that can be caught easily for that person or when possible a "foreign" language pokémon. All the games i play are in English so foreign to me means any language with exception of English.

The pokémon cartridges i play and own are: Platinum, Black 2, X, AlphaSapphire, Sun and Moon. Next to that i have Ultra Moon digital as well Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, Silver and Crystal.

If you have questions don't hesitate to ask or leave a message Smile

Thank you for reading this!!
How do you do, @OnomaNunn / Daniel,
nice to meet you and welcome! Smile
Its really nice that you are up for helping people.
Do you also have any own project running at the moment,
like finishing dex, team building or breeding certain pokemon etc.?

(Aug 12, 2019, 11:56 AM)Gentleman Wrote: How do you do, @OnomaNunn / Daniel,
nice to meet you and welcome! Smile
Its really nice that you are up for helping people.
Do you also have any own project running at the moment,
like finishing dex, team building or breeding certain pokemon etc.?


Hey Gernot Wink Thank you for your response and nice to meet you as well Smile

At the moment i am replaying all my games (all but Moon which i finished) to fill my pokébank with all available pokémon and their abilities (and my OT where possible) and where possible their hidden abilities. Next to that i still have Dream Radar as well but i still need to start that game Smile

I am not really an online competitor but who knows what the future brings. I like to collect and from within that collection help others.

I also have and am working on a dual egg breeding group of pokémon i can use to breed apricorn, safari, sport and beast balls on any pokémon (as long as it's legal) with help of either a ball parent or when it comes to iv's with a 6IV Ditto.

How about you @Gentleman  ? Are you working on any project at the moment?


@OnomaNunn, your dual egg breeding group sounds promising, although I do not breed pokeballs.
My projects at the moment, which are to many :D
- replaying emerald (far behind my schedule)
- building competitive team for battle frontier in emerald (same Wink
- play-through ultra-sun
- building competitive team for ultra-sun
  I was quite succesfull breeding HA male Nidoran and two egg-move Cubone recently
- Collecting HA Pokemon from Gen5-6. Gen6 is my best breeding gen.
- Collecting Pokemon in general to help others with, same as you
I am also not a online competitive player, but I really enjoy the in-game challenges like battle frontier, battle tower etc. with my favourite Pokemon. Lets chat another time.
Would be nice to chate later Smile And perhaps i can help you collect HA from Gen 5 and 6. I just started myself with collecting but if i come across one or more i am always willing to breed them @Gentleman :D Thank you for your kind responses Wink
Hi @OnomaNunn! Welcome to the forums :D
Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!
@OnomaNunn Welcome to our little community !! Wish you could've seen glory but I gotta say I seriously respect you for managing all those HA mons and the ball parents on your own a!! Wanted to make a apricorn ball store on here way back but it'd be too complicated xP best of luck man and happy hunting !!
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
(Aug 16, 2019, 12:28 AM)stephenWITNESS Wrote: Hi @OnomaNunn! Welcome to the forums :D
(Aug 16, 2019, 11:41 AM)wartty Wrote: @OnomaNunn Welcome to our little community !! Wish you could've seen glory but I gotta say I seriously respect you for managing all those HA mons and the ball parents on your own a!! Wanted to make a apricorn ball store on here way back but it'd be too complicated xP best of luck man and happy hunting !!

Hey @stephenWITNESS & @wartty . Thank you for the welcome guys Wink Really nice of the both of you :D And thanks @wartty for the respect shown but to me it's a challenge after losing my games, ds and pokebank details after a car accident a few years back (amongst other injuries i had a heavy concussion which made me forget a lot lol). So next to a challenge this is also a new start for me to get my bank full once more as much as i can with pokemon with in the end the right moveset, abilities, iv's and pokeball aesthetics Smile But don't pin me down on this yet...i am still working on getting my basic dexes and bank filled first :D
Hello, @OnomaNunn! Welcome to the forums. I'm currently flipping between finishing my first playthrough of Diamond, catching Legendaries I missed in Ultra Sun, Wonder Trading to fill holes in my Bank 'dex, and working on a competitive team for my first run through the Battle Tree. My longer-term goals include playing through Black 2 for the first time, finishing my first Alpha Sapphire playthrough, and trying the two Pokémon Ranger games I got this year. Now that I write it out, it's a lot of stuff to get through! :-p

Obviously, that's not even counting Sword and Shield being a mere ~8 weeks away. I may not be among the first wave of players for that game, but I fully intend to pick up at least one of them not long after release. Do you have plans for those games?

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