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Hello Everyone
Hi all. The name is NiteWolf90, But you can call me Wolf. I have been a Pokemon fan since Red, Green, an Blue in 1998. An the trading card game. My fav Games from Pokemon were the Gold an Silver. after those games came out an i had beat them. I didnt know what to do so i ended up moving to consoles more an more. i started playing first person an third person shooters. I came back to Pokemon for Platinum, but wasn't that into it i ended up moving to the Xbox 360 for a good while. after some years i ended up needing to take a break from the console wars (PS4 vs Xbox One). if you wanna know more about my gaming past you can look at my YouTube video right here. . I ended up buying my friend Pokemon Alpha Sapphire for her Christmas present when the game came out. an low an be hold i ended up getting Omega Ruby for myself like 2 days later an we have been playing since. i enjoy Pokemon to the fullest. Cause it brings me back to my childhood. if you guys have any questions feel free to ask an remember im a old timer, but new to this game. so if i dont know what your talking about please be patient with me.
welcome wolf :D
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Hi NiteWolf!! Welcome to the site!
(Dec 29, 2014, 03:18 PM)Animekid7 Wrote: welcome wolf :D

Thank you Animekid7 i saw your post an i might need some help breeding a adament Timburr with Mach Punch an Guts LOL
(Dec 29, 2014, 03:30 PM)UndyingUmbreon Wrote: Hi NiteWolf!! Welcome to the site!

thank you UndyingUmbreon Nice to be here

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