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Hello Hello
Hello there fine people, I found this site through OhNickel's 200 hour OrAs stream.And because I have no clue what to post here I will snawer three questions.
1. What is your favorite color(s)?
Black or Blue
2. What is your favorite pokemon(s)?
Drifloon and Fennekin
3. What is your favorite plant?
Dogwood tree.

Now feel free to answer those questions or three question you thought up. or just say hi.
Welcome to the forums
Favorite Color?
Favorite Pokemon?
Favorite Plant?
uhh..lilac (im dont know many plant names)
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Hi! Welcome to the site!
My favorite color is black or red, my favorite pokemon is either Vulpix or Latias, and my favorite plants are magnolias!
Welcome KnittingKittens
Favorite Color
Blue,Black,and White (am kind of indecisive on my fav, it always changes)
Favorite Pokemon
Squirtle and it's evolution
Favorite Plant
Bonsai Tree
Fav color:
Fav poke:
Hard to say but i like espeon
Fav plant:
Ummm lol idk

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