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Hello, My Name's Seabiscuit and I Love...
...long walks on the beach and squirrels...especially when you combine the two.

Figured I would introduce myself since that is what all the cool young kids are doing...

I'm old (like elderly old). I met TheJustinFlynn of the Geriatrics ward of a local hospital, and we frequent the same shuffleboard club.

I'm actually 28. I went to college back in the day and majored in Physics. Now I work as an engineer...

In my free time I game (mainly PC, but getting back into console gaming with the Xbox One / Wii U) and have been playing Pokémon since the start of it first game was Blue on the original Game Boy. Actually, that was the only game I played, and then a couple years ago, I saw Black & White 2 was coming out and impulse bought a 3DS and Pokémon. Great decisions were made that day. The game (Black & White 2, X, and now AS) is just as good as I remembered as a kid.

Other types of games I play are pretty much anything Nintendo (Zelda / Mario / Mario Kart / etc.) and shooters and RTS. Command and Conquer is probably my favorite series.

In MN you need to play video games to help heat your house during the's actually written in our laws.
welcome :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Hi Seabiscuit! Welcome! :D
Welcome seabiscuit

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