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Hello hello!
Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night depending on where you live or when you're reading this. My name's Dracorexion, but you can simply call me Draco. I can normally be found lurking on thereplayflynn when not on Justin's main channel watching him play the Pokemans. Don't really know what else to put here... I like Whimsicott. And pie. Mmmm pie...
Welcome to the forums i also like pie :D
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
Welcome to the forums Dracorexion!
thanks for all the help in Emerald!
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Welcome draco!
Welcome to the forums draco Smile
RIP Satoru Iwata. 1959-2015. The world won't be the same without you!

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