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Hello there!
Hey everybody! I'm discarded scarf, a perpetual lurker who has decided to break my silence to join the community and hang out! I'm looking forward to discussing all things pokemon.

My friend safari is magmar, pyroar, and braixen. I'd love to add anyone!

What's your favorite shiny pokemon? Mine is azurill - it was my first shiny ever, caught on a 6 chain (6!). I love it's happy little green face.
Welcome Discardedscarf! I like shiny Greninja!
Welcome Scarf!

And one of my favorite shiny pokemons ever is Umbreon for sure! He looks so fancy with his black/blue design! But i'm also a huge fan of all the pink shinies like Furret or Pachirisu!
Tyga, thanks again for the shiny mudkip! Can't wait to use it in ORAS
welcome :D
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~

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