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Help completing the national dex
I have caught over 400 pokemon without pokemon bank and i still have about 300 more and i need help if you can pls message below and aid me

Writing a list of the Pokemon you're missing would help.
I'll start with kanto:nidoran fem-nidoqueen venonat-persian mankey primeape poliwrath victoribell  slowbro dodtrio seel-muk cloyster drowzee- kingler exeggutor hitmonlee chan koffing and wheezing horsea goldeen starmie mr mime jynx electabuzz pinsir tauros porygon-omastar snorlax- moltres mewtwo and mew
sentret-ledian crobat cleffa-natu bellosom sudowoodo-jumpluff yanma whooper espeon misdreavus dunsparce snubull- qwilfish shuckle sneasel-ursaring swinub and piloswine delibird mantine houndour-phanpy stantler hitmontop smoochun elekid miltank larvitar-lugia
ludicolo-sentret breeloom nosepass probopass swalot carvanha wailord spoink grumpig vibrava-cacturne seviper solrock corphish-claydol cradily armaldo banette chimecho huntail gorebyss salamence metang metagross regirock-latias kyogre
I can help you with all of the kanto and johto mons.@Jhinsuu

I can give you a cleffa, a smoochum, a miltank, and a snubbull.
Just specifying for me, btw, i would need them back.
Ill add you guys now
I believe you already have me @Jhinsuu

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