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Here's a Question... [Chain Fishing]
Hello everyone hope you are all having a great morning/evening/night!

I'm currently chain fishing for a shiny staryu which is going to take some time because the rates at the fishing spots for them (so i've been estimating) Is about 1/7 encounters. I'm only here for the shiny staryu and not the wailmers so here's my question.

The chain is never broken if you keep running away and immediately fishing so my question is if i keep running away will my chain keep going up or is there a cap such as the pokeradar with 40 chains being max chain 1/200?

I'm going to be fishing for a long time so i'll be checking back ever so often but I'm just really curious if there is a rate cap on chain fishing. Thanks for all your help! Smile

Messages In This Thread
Here's a Question... [Chain Fishing] - by Jeremy - Jan 4, 2015, 11:09 AM
RE: Here's a Question... [Chain Fishing] - by Hero - Jan 4, 2015, 12:02 PM

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