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Hey! New and looking for friends!
As the subject say's, I'm new on here and recently had to replace my 3ds meaning I have no friends on there yet. Would greatly welcome anyone actively playing ORAS to add me on their friends list.

Friend Code: 0190-0191-0998
Leave a reply with your friend code if you add me so I can add you as well!

Look forwards to having battles and trading with you all!
what's up conspiracy!
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Hey Justin! Not much man, had a bad few weeks. Had a family death, then got mugged on the way home from work where my 3ds was stolen. Only just been able to replace it and now hunting for friends to add!
Welcome Conspiracy :D
~Visit PokemonForever's Twitter Page~
Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
well that's horrible to hear Sad

Anyway welcome :D

added your fc Smile

Edit: dno why i felt the need to use smileys instead of punctuation.
Thanks for the reply evilsabre, added you as well.

Still need plenty more people to add!! Only 2 friends and one is my brother so that don't count haha.

Please let me know your friend codes if you don't have it under your profile name!
Thanks! :3
Sorry to hear about your bad few weeks, hope things are looking up for you. I'll add your FC, lets have some fun  :D
Welcome Conspriracy
Hi there dude, how's it going? Feel free to add me if you'd like, my friendcode is just under my reputation! Smile

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