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Hikikomari's Public Trade Thread
[Image: PTTBanner2.png]
a big thanks to aschefield101 for the logo renders in the banner!​

Hello! My username is Hikikomari and I have struggled to obtain Pokémon for my Pokédex, collection, or for other means in the past. Throughout the region of Alola or even outside, there are some rare Pokémon that can be difficult to find and I am a person who understands that struggle. I've been able to help many trainers find the Pokémon and items they are unable to obtain or find it difficult to obtain, but never had a place to publicly offer this service. That's why I created this thread!

If you're looking for general help in finding Pokémon or can't get what you're looking for, look no further!

➤➤ This thread is request-driven! This means that I don't have a list of my collection for show. Instead, this thread is driven by requests by you guys! Let me know what you're looking for, and I will trade it to you! Requests are also not limited to the Alola Pokédex, and legendary/mythical Pokémon are available!
➤➤ This thread does not take very specific requests and is meant for general trades. This means I unfortunately don't have the time to competitively breed your requested Pokémon or breed for something very rare. Hidden Abilities that are event-based or otherwise difficult to find may be deemed unavailable as I'm going off my personal collection.
➤➤ I deliver tradeable items as well! If you're looking for a hard-to-find item, I can offer it!
➤➤ This thread is run by my personal availability. This means that I cannot accept requests, work, or offer trades while I am asleep or otherwise busy/offline during my day-to-day life.
➤➤ I reserve the right to deny trades to people. Keep in mind that I deliver reasonable requests to reasonable people.
➤➤ The things I ask for only depend on what you have available to offer, though I do have an established system. The more complex or difficult requests will require more, perhaps a specific Pokémon or item, while with very simple or easy requests, I'll typically ask for nothing in return at all.

➤➤ Time Zone: Pacific Standard (UTC-8)
➤➤ PokémonForever Username: Hikikomari
➤➤ 3DS Friend Code: 0447-9653-8779 (Violet) / In-game name: Violet

Public trades are OPEN! They have been open since 11/19/2018.
Please leave requests down below!​
Hey, @Hikikomari!

Thanks for constructing this lovely thread for the community. I hope you're able to help many Trainers with your services.

For myself, I was wondering if perchance you had a spare Marshadow; as that is now the only Pokémon in the Alola dex I lack, and I didn't even start playing the games until long after the distribution had passed.

If not, no worries. I wish you the best, either way!
(Nov 20, 2018, 06:28 PM)DrumminBeard Wrote: Hey, @Hikikomari!

Thanks for constructing this lovely thread for the community. I hope you're able to help many Trainers with your services.

For myself, I was wondering if perchance you had a spare Marshadow; as that is now the only Pokémon in the Alola dex I lack, and I didn't even start playing the games until long after the distribution had passed.

If not, no worries. I wish you the best, either way!

Thanks so much for your kind words!

As for your request, I do in fact have a spare Marshadow to help you out!
The things I'll ask for in return will depend on what you have to offer, though the first thing I'd like to ask for is a King's Rock as I'm out of them currently. If you don't have one, I'd like to ask for a Moon Stone instead.

If you're currently available right now, I'll be online shortly to add your friend code so we can start trading.

Hello again!

I in fact do have a King's Rock I'd be willing to part with.

I'm online now, so give me a minute to add your FC. Mine is 3196-8685-6185, Trainer name: Tifa.
Wonderful! I've added your FC and double-checked to make sure I own the Marshadow you're after. I'm currently online in my Festival Plaza, so send me a trade request whenever you're available.
Excellent!!  Smile

I'm so stoked! I truly appreciate your helping me out here, Hikikomari. I hope that King's Rock finds you well!

Pleasure doing business with ya.
(Nov 20, 2018, 07:43 PM)DrumminBeard Wrote: Excellent!!  Smile

I'm so stoked! I truly appreciate your helping me out here, Hikikomari. I hope that King's Rock finds you well!

Pleasure doing business with ya.

Hey, I'm glad to help! Enjoy the Marshadow, and the full Alola Dex! And apologies about the communication error at the start, I wish that wasn't as common of an occurence as it is.
Hey, @Hikikomari!

At the risk of being greedy, it occurred to me that I have never obtained a Mew. Or... if I had back in the day, it's long gone now.

You still need a Moon Stone? It seems a paltry sum for such a rare Pokémon though. Is there something else you fancy?
(Nov 21, 2018, 06:07 PM)DrumminBeard Wrote: Hey, @Hikikomari!

At the risk of being greedy, it occurred to me that I have never obtained a Mew. Or... if I had back in the day, it's long gone now.

You still need a Moon Stone? It seems a paltry sum for such a rare Pokémon though. Is there something else you fancy?

You're in luck, I've got that for you as well!

I do still need a Moon Stone, however I understand what you're saying, I typically try to aim for my requests to be available based on what the other person has, so I haven't felt like I can easily ask for the big things I'm missing, which would be Palkia, Poipole, or Mandibuzz. If you have any of those, those are the highest things I would ask for in return. The main thing I'm grinding right now is the Festival Plaza, which is a bummer since I can't ask for much there, unless you have a Pink Dye Shop and a specific piece of clothing I can attempt to buy from you in-game. (Because the Festival Plaza is ridiculous.) If not, I'm sure we can work out something else. Let me know your thoughts, and what you have available!
I do have a Poipole I could equip with a Moon Stone, and send you both!

I do not have a Pink Dye House (don't remember seeing one. Did you mean red maybe?). I don't have many outfits bought either, but I have an ungodly amount of PokéBillz. What are you after?

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