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Welcome To Homesteading for Women! What can you find on It’s simple really, it’s like turning back the clock to a simpler time, a place where things are quiet and peaceful.

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The Homestead Women For Beginners site with tips to help get you started gardening, vintage skills, herbs, chickens, herbal remedies, crafts and cooking. If you listen carefully you can hear the crickets sing in the summertime, the rain drumming on the new metal roof in the rabbit barn on a midsummer afternoon rain, roosters crowing to let you know it’s time to get up and get busy with the homestead chores. Live Life Simply. At night you can hear the owls talking to their neighbors in the tall oak trees around the farm. And sometimes you can hear coyotes howling at the moon and playing along the creek beds beside the cabin giving you goosebumps if you listen for too long. Let me first say how happy I am to be writing this blog for women who want to get back to their roots and live a simple life again. Maybe you want to start your own Urban Homesteading For Beginners with your family like me. It doesn’t matter where you life you can start your own backyard homestead here are some of my plans for this year. I think I made my list way to big. Make Life Simple Again. I’ve had ups and downs like the rest of you and on these pages you find some of them. I’m sharing them so that maybe it will help someone not make the same mistakes I did. Or I might share some great wisdom I’ve found along the way. So grab your favorite drink and head to your favorite chair and start browsing this fun site I created just for you! Enjoy! Just click on the pictures below to take you to the different categories I have on this blog. Thanks for stopping by! You’ll find homestead lifestyle tips and advice on topics that I think every homestead woman should know, from planning ahead before you buy your homestead to being prepared for emergencies when you live out in the country. I’ve always love to have a garden, sometimes things turn out and sometimes they don’t depending on the weather and if I’ve been lazy or on the ball during the summer months. Nothing you buy in the store has the same taste as fresh veggies from your own garden. It’s really fun to preserve some for eating in the winter months. Or share them with friends and family. Chickens are a big part of our homestead, they are or favorite pets here on the farm and it’s such a blessing to eat fresh eggs every morning for breakfast. Related Posts: A Foolproof Way To Keep Chicken Water From Freezing This Winter. Homestead 2017 -Success and Failures. Comments. Jessica March 8, 2018. Im so glad I have found your blog. I am in full starting a homestead mode this year. we have raised small livestock the last few years like chickens, ducks, turkeys, and rabbits. We got out of rabbits (we would show them) when I found out I was pregnant, because we had so many and acutally needed the shed for storage. My family also got into showing chickens and ducks. Ducks are fun. and we would raise a few turkeys for holidays.. (FYI totally not a cost savings. ) Turkeys eat a lot. but it is awesome to have a 40# bird on the table for thanksgiving. We have recently gotten into goats, and now I am hoping to have my own chickens (for eggs). I am excited for this journey with my husband and daughter (who is 7 months). I have only read one or 2 posts so far, but I have definitely added my email to your list!! Michelle March 10, 2018. Hey Jessica, Thanks so much for finding me and commenting. It really means a lot to me!! Thank you! That’s so exciting! Congrats! Hubs just came into my office and commented that we would get some turkeys to run around with the chickens and have one for Thanksgiving, he said we would eat the one we don’t like. lol! Looking forward to my first ducks this year too! I am in the Rabbit Addiction right now. Can’t wait to hear more about your journey! Michelle ? Valeri March 11, 2018. Michelle, I’m going out of my mind waiting for you to get your ducks. It’s that time of year now. If you need a good place to get best breeds go to Strongborgs. My suggestion to you is to get Magpie ducks. Not only are they gorgeous ducks but they are amazing layers & will even lay all winter and they are great winter tolerant ducks. I live in Washington State and never locked mine up and they have thrived. Michelle March 12, 2018. Lol! Thanks Valeri! Too funny, hubs was talking about getting a couple turkeys and I chimed in and said I was also getting Ducks, there are so many to pick from. Thanks for suggesting the breed. Can’t wait for them to mow some of my grass! ? I’ll let you know when I get them. Valeri February 8, 2018. I agree. To much overhead in feed, etc to make a profit. Bianca January 29, 2018. I have tried selling crickets and mealworms and I would like to suggest roaches instead. Blaptica dubia is non invasive, super easy to grow and they smell way less than crickets and are a lot hardier. They also don’t eat each other or their young. And they are quiet! Shelfordella lateralis are also easy to grow and most lizards love them. Michelle January 29, 2018. Yes I’ve raised them also, but most pet shops raise them themselves. The money is really in the crickets and mealworms. They are great for the individual that just wants to raise them for their own reptiles, if you can handle them. I really didn’t like them, but that’s just me. Thanks for the tip! Valeri March 12, 2018. You better. Hahaha. Valeri January 28, 2018. I love winter. I truly do. But it is more challenging with my ducks and geese. I’ve learned to make fodder in my basement. Lol. My cat thinks my sprout trays are her personal play yard. My birds are starting to pair up now and I’ve had to move my geese to other side of the yard because my ganders want to breed with everybody. My poor ducks. Had to move my best breeder Magpie duck to a cage inside because my geese really did a number on her. She’s much happier and loves daily swims in the bathtub. I have truly become a crazy duck lady. Hahaha. Also started CLEANING out duck house and adding to a compost pile. I used deep litter method this year. Much easier. Anyway, my little mama is sitting on a clutch in her cage. So far, so good. I’ve candles the eggs and I think I might have some ducklings this year. Michelle January 28, 2018. Hey Valeri, Haha, cats are so funny! I had to move a couple of my little silkie chickens from the Giant silkie roosters I got this spring from the Amish auction. Those dudes have most of my little gals feathers all messed up. They are so gone this spring. I bet your little Magpie is super happy now on her winter vacation. Lol! I so need a compost area, now with this bunny inside. He is litter trained, which is good and bad. He only pees in his box and when he’s outside he pees in the box I have for him to sleep in. Lol! I have to change his box every couple days and I’m just piling it on the end of the garden. I have a big rock on the pile because I’m lining the box with newspaper and hay. I hope that’s not going to be a big mess to clean up and that the paper will be gone come spring. Lol! I know it won’t. Oh well, deal with that later. ? Can’t wait to get a couple ducks this spring. Michelle ? Valeri January 28, 2018. Newspaper is supposed to be good for your compost pile. I sigh every time youu talk about your silkies. I’m just wondering if they wouldn’t be easier than ducks. I live in the city and a new family bought the house next door and their 11 yr old son is apparently afraid of ducks. They want me to move my flock so he doesnt hear them at night. I moved the geese today but until spring comes i cant really build another duck house. All my other neighbors love my ducks and their eggs. I dont do conflict well. If my eyesight was better and i could drive, i would have moved to the country with some acreage. Michelle January 29, 2018. Hey Valeri, Well that’s good! I’m going to find out if they are easier than ducks this summer. And I found a lady that has really really cute silkies. All different colors.

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