Mar 2, 2025, 04:29 AM
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Article about ll the single ladies:
And Take No Sh*t
All the Single Ladies. I’m 31 years old. I manage a business, own a home, raise a puppy, and am well-versed in deciphering lucrative stock options.
And even though some would say, “damn, that’s
All the Single Ladies. I’m 31 years old. I manage a business, own a home, raise a puppy, and am well-versed in deciphering lucrative stock options. And even though some would say, “damn, that’s impressive,” it’s been my experience that many of today’s single men don’t give much credence to these things. They prefer stalking me on social media and planning dates to “get drinks” hoping there’s a direct correlation to future nude selfies or the rapturous prospect of sexting a stranger. At this point in my life, I (rather naïvely) assumed that I’d be engaged and planning a beautiful wedding on the Oregon coast, or happily married in a brightly appointed cape cod style home, on a farm, with the father of my future children. But let’s not dwell on the details. I hear the devil lives there. What’s most amusing about this reality, is not the absurdity of how far my novelized life is from my actual life, rather, the astonishing redundancy of this narrative for many women my age. My life experience doesn’t exist in a silo. It mirrors the dating-environment that many 30-something women experience today. And because I respect the hustle of all the internet trolls out there who will, without context or reserve, spit venom my way for saying anything that may graze a nerve, please note: what’s written below are in fact my words, but they reflect the sentiments of countless women (many of whom are close friends) about today’s “dating game.” And in case there was any question: This is a game. And yes, we’re all losers. Even though some of us have deluded ourselves into believing we have the upper hand. The only people who come out winning in this game are those who have everything to lose and still choose to gamble it all on the right person. But in my experience, people are generally more concerned about winning than they are about finding happiness. And if you want a fair shot at talking about how horrible women are and how we’ve contributed to this dating disaster, please leave a note in the comment section. I’m always looking for a good laugh. Especially when it’s free. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the top ten struggles women face in today’s dating pool. If I’ve heard these stories once, I’ve heard them 400 times. I would apologize for exposing our collective female miseries, but alas, I still hold hope that things will change. But in the interim, the first step to change: admittance of our failures. 1. Today’s 30-something men have a commitment phobia. I have a lot of very attractive, motivated, kind, funny, and bad-***-***** friends who can’t seem to find a “good guy.” Sure, they have multiple men DMing them, taking them out to dinner, and buying them drinks, but when it comes to the “are we exclusive” talk, they run like a loose goat. It’s all fun and games until men feel trapped by exclusivity or, dare I say, a committed relationship. So many of today’s men don’t want to “put a ring on it” for fear of limiting their options and future potential mates. Which is ironic, because the men who think this don’t realize they never had as many options or future potential as the women they won’t commit to. 2. You speak pretty words real good. Today’s smooth-talking men deserve an Oscar for their performances. They’re now perceptive enough to kill the “****-boy” archetype by solely using their mildly proficient vocabulary. Where once, actions spoke louder than words, now it doesn’t matter what you do—only what you say you’re going to do. The strategy? Say all the “right” things to keep a woman around, and then don’t deliver. You can be judged by your actions, but can women really get upset about the insipid promises you’re making via text? Women generally have a hard time deciphering your intentions (even though we’ll consult all our friends about every text you send), but until you’re found out, you get to eat all the cake by the ocean you want. And you never actually had to do anything. I don’t know if I should slap you or give you a high five. 3. Age amnesia happens to the best of us. Women are often told their too hypervigilant about their biological clock. This makes men’s palms start sweating. They want to take their time and coast into things. It’s true that biology has somewhat defined the trajectory of women’s lives, but the fact is that it has for men, too. If you’re a 45-year-old man and have never been in a serious relationship, engaged, married, or had a kid, time isn’t on your side, either. You’ll be collecting social security when your child is in grade school. And when your knees ache from siting at that two-hour long recital, you’ll be wondering why you were such a commitment-phobe back when you had a nice hairline. 4. Success is scary. So many of today’s accomplished men see successful women as their opposition—not their accomplice. Sure, they want you to make money, be “on your ****,” have a killer body, and say things like, “I got it” on repeat, but they’d prefer you to do it with the understanding that you need them for something. If you could also do and say these things in a bikini with low self-esteem, that would be preferable. It’s better for you to fall on your sword than make them check their ego at the door. 5. Don’t know how to replace a lightbulb? Need not apply. I don’t care if you’re a fast typer, have a well-appointed tan, or own a collection of Fendi suits, If you can’t fix basic things around a house, then, may I suggest YouTube or becoming celibate. So many women are disheartened by modern-day-men who can’t do the basic things that (let’s be honest, ladies) they often have the comparative advantage in doing. You can call me sexist, but I readily acknowledge that I’m 5 ‘3 and must climb on top of every threshold in my house to fix almost anything. My comparative advantages are finding the perfect throw-pillows, buying seasonal candles that add to a room’s ambiance, and optimally watering succulents—not replacing the lightbulb in a vaulted ceiling fan. 6. Future life is scary when your current life is unmanageable. Success, fame, fortune… some of today’s men seem to believe they’re living out a Kardashian-dream on their lazy-boy sofa. If you’re living in your own personal Mecca, congratulations. But wouldn’t it be more fulfilling to stop trying to promote this image and instead focus on finding the right people to enjoy life’s riches with? If you can’t seamlessly manage your image like a global PR agency, maybe it’s time to shift your focus to the things you can control in the present moment and build an actual life of shared abundance. That future life doesn’t have to look intimidating just because you’re focused on the present’s intangibles. 7. Make me some lemonade (with extra ice for this cold *****) Acts of service. That is all. 8. Future faking is a hobby of mine, too. Many men love the idea of a relationship, far more than the reality. (This applies to some of today’s ladies as well). What’s the best part of getting to know someone? Fantasizing about future life scenarios with this perfect stranger and then SPEAKING THEM ALOUD after date one. We all love conjuring up romanticized relationship fantasies in our heads when confronted with beautiful strangers who make us feel something, but is it really healthy to text someone about having babies with them or vacationing in a bungalow on the Amalfi Coast together after a couple of drinks? Maybe it’s just me, but “future faking” seems like a great manipulation tool—and a failproof way to ensure your fantasies never escape your amygdala. 9. If adventure could kill. I’m not saying you need to be the most adventurous man alive, but damn, can a girl get a camping buddy, or a gym buddy, or a special someone who does anything other than get drinks and watch Netflix like a one-trick pony? Don’t get me wrong. I’m highly proficient at drinking drinks and can navigate my way through a Netflix search with my eyes closed, but would it break our unimaginative brains to conjure up some other date options? Honestly, I’ll do anything. Literally. Anything. I just can’t re-watch The Hunger Games trilogy again. 10. Value authenticity over sameness.
Ll the single ladies
Article about ll the single ladies:
And Take No Sh*t
All the Single Ladies. I’m 31 years old. I manage a business, own a home, raise a puppy, and am well-versed in deciphering lucrative stock options.
And even though some would say, “damn, that’s
All the Single Ladies. I’m 31 years old. I manage a business, own a home, raise a puppy, and am well-versed in deciphering lucrative stock options. And even though some would say, “damn, that’s impressive,” it’s been my experience that many of today’s single men don’t give much credence to these things. They prefer stalking me on social media and planning dates to “get drinks” hoping there’s a direct correlation to future nude selfies or the rapturous prospect of sexting a stranger. At this point in my life, I (rather naïvely) assumed that I’d be engaged and planning a beautiful wedding on the Oregon coast, or happily married in a brightly appointed cape cod style home, on a farm, with the father of my future children. But let’s not dwell on the details. I hear the devil lives there. What’s most amusing about this reality, is not the absurdity of how far my novelized life is from my actual life, rather, the astonishing redundancy of this narrative for many women my age. My life experience doesn’t exist in a silo. It mirrors the dating-environment that many 30-something women experience today. And because I respect the hustle of all the internet trolls out there who will, without context or reserve, spit venom my way for saying anything that may graze a nerve, please note: what’s written below are in fact my words, but they reflect the sentiments of countless women (many of whom are close friends) about today’s “dating game.” And in case there was any question: This is a game. And yes, we’re all losers. Even though some of us have deluded ourselves into believing we have the upper hand. The only people who come out winning in this game are those who have everything to lose and still choose to gamble it all on the right person. But in my experience, people are generally more concerned about winning than they are about finding happiness. And if you want a fair shot at talking about how horrible women are and how we’ve contributed to this dating disaster, please leave a note in the comment section. I’m always looking for a good laugh. Especially when it’s free. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the top ten struggles women face in today’s dating pool. If I’ve heard these stories once, I’ve heard them 400 times. I would apologize for exposing our collective female miseries, but alas, I still hold hope that things will change. But in the interim, the first step to change: admittance of our failures. 1. Today’s 30-something men have a commitment phobia. I have a lot of very attractive, motivated, kind, funny, and bad-***-***** friends who can’t seem to find a “good guy.” Sure, they have multiple men DMing them, taking them out to dinner, and buying them drinks, but when it comes to the “are we exclusive” talk, they run like a loose goat. It’s all fun and games until men feel trapped by exclusivity or, dare I say, a committed relationship. So many of today’s men don’t want to “put a ring on it” for fear of limiting their options and future potential mates. Which is ironic, because the men who think this don’t realize they never had as many options or future potential as the women they won’t commit to. 2. You speak pretty words real good. Today’s smooth-talking men deserve an Oscar for their performances. They’re now perceptive enough to kill the “****-boy” archetype by solely using their mildly proficient vocabulary. Where once, actions spoke louder than words, now it doesn’t matter what you do—only what you say you’re going to do. The strategy? Say all the “right” things to keep a woman around, and then don’t deliver. You can be judged by your actions, but can women really get upset about the insipid promises you’re making via text? Women generally have a hard time deciphering your intentions (even though we’ll consult all our friends about every text you send), but until you’re found out, you get to eat all the cake by the ocean you want. And you never actually had to do anything. I don’t know if I should slap you or give you a high five. 3. Age amnesia happens to the best of us. Women are often told their too hypervigilant about their biological clock. This makes men’s palms start sweating. They want to take their time and coast into things. It’s true that biology has somewhat defined the trajectory of women’s lives, but the fact is that it has for men, too. If you’re a 45-year-old man and have never been in a serious relationship, engaged, married, or had a kid, time isn’t on your side, either. You’ll be collecting social security when your child is in grade school. And when your knees ache from siting at that two-hour long recital, you’ll be wondering why you were such a commitment-phobe back when you had a nice hairline. 4. Success is scary. So many of today’s accomplished men see successful women as their opposition—not their accomplice. Sure, they want you to make money, be “on your ****,” have a killer body, and say things like, “I got it” on repeat, but they’d prefer you to do it with the understanding that you need them for something. If you could also do and say these things in a bikini with low self-esteem, that would be preferable. It’s better for you to fall on your sword than make them check their ego at the door. 5. Don’t know how to replace a lightbulb? Need not apply. I don’t care if you’re a fast typer, have a well-appointed tan, or own a collection of Fendi suits, If you can’t fix basic things around a house, then, may I suggest YouTube or becoming celibate. So many women are disheartened by modern-day-men who can’t do the basic things that (let’s be honest, ladies) they often have the comparative advantage in doing. You can call me sexist, but I readily acknowledge that I’m 5 ‘3 and must climb on top of every threshold in my house to fix almost anything. My comparative advantages are finding the perfect throw-pillows, buying seasonal candles that add to a room’s ambiance, and optimally watering succulents—not replacing the lightbulb in a vaulted ceiling fan. 6. Future life is scary when your current life is unmanageable. Success, fame, fortune… some of today’s men seem to believe they’re living out a Kardashian-dream on their lazy-boy sofa. If you’re living in your own personal Mecca, congratulations. But wouldn’t it be more fulfilling to stop trying to promote this image and instead focus on finding the right people to enjoy life’s riches with? If you can’t seamlessly manage your image like a global PR agency, maybe it’s time to shift your focus to the things you can control in the present moment and build an actual life of shared abundance. That future life doesn’t have to look intimidating just because you’re focused on the present’s intangibles. 7. Make me some lemonade (with extra ice for this cold *****) Acts of service. That is all. 8. Future faking is a hobby of mine, too. Many men love the idea of a relationship, far more than the reality. (This applies to some of today’s ladies as well). What’s the best part of getting to know someone? Fantasizing about future life scenarios with this perfect stranger and then SPEAKING THEM ALOUD after date one. We all love conjuring up romanticized relationship fantasies in our heads when confronted with beautiful strangers who make us feel something, but is it really healthy to text someone about having babies with them or vacationing in a bungalow on the Amalfi Coast together after a couple of drinks? Maybe it’s just me, but “future faking” seems like a great manipulation tool—and a failproof way to ensure your fantasies never escape your amygdala. 9. If adventure could kill. I’m not saying you need to be the most adventurous man alive, but damn, can a girl get a camping buddy, or a gym buddy, or a special someone who does anything other than get drinks and watch Netflix like a one-trick pony? Don’t get me wrong. I’m highly proficient at drinking drinks and can navigate my way through a Netflix search with my eyes closed, but would it break our unimaginative brains to conjure up some other date options? Honestly, I’ll do anything. Literally. Anything. I just can’t re-watch The Hunger Games trilogy again. 10. Value authenticity over sameness.
Ll the single ladies