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[Hot] I fancy older men 2025
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I&#039,m 54 and been Online Dating (OLD) for a couple of years. But I just don&#039,t fancy the old men on there. Most men of 54+ seem to have beer bellies and...

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AIBU Not to fancy old men? I'm 54 and been Online Dating (OLD) for a couple of years. But I just don't fancy the old men on there. Most men of 54+ seem to have beer bellies and look like granddads, which they probably are. Smile The men in their 40s seem ok, so what the **** happens to them when they hit 50? I'm a regular at the gym, like to keep myself fit. And luckily I'm pretty healthy. I won't date anyone my son's age, (35) although get plenty of offers. A lot of young men have a thing for older women. ? 4 years I've been single! Will I ever fancy an old man? Yeah I know I'm old too!!

I fancy older men

I fancy an older man

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