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How To Clone Pokemon in Pokemon X & Y without a powersave 3ds!
Before i start this I'm going to tell you right now that you will fail at times. Don't let that discourage you. Just keep on trying.
[I don't know if it still works in the 1.3 patch]

Things You'll need:
1. 2 Nintendo 3ds's
2. 1 copy of either pokemon X or pokemon y on both 3ds''s
3. Stopwatch

Let's say i want to clone a Shiny Jirachi.

You will want to start the trade with the 3ds that DOESN'T have the Shiny Jirachi

*Note that you're going to have to trade a pokemon that you want deleted forever*

Initiate the trade and offer your Pokemon you want traded using the 3ds that has the pokemon you want cloned.

Using your other 3ds (The one that doesn't have the Pokemon you want cloned) Offer a pokemon that you wouldn't mind getting deleted forever.

After you press the Trade button, you don't care about the 3ds that doesn't have the Pokemon you want cloned on it. You only care bout the 3ds That originally had the Pokemon you wanted to clone.

Since the Pokemon that's going to be deleted is being transferred to the 3ds that originally had the pokemon you wanted to clone, you're going to press the power button approximately 4.5 seconds after the blue screen comes back up. Remember to press start on your stopwatch AS SOON AS the blue screen comes back up.

I hope this thread helped you! If you would like me to change something about this thread to maybe make it more clear then go ahead and shoot me a message or just reply to this thread.

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