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I need Flygon!
Well, i'm trying to complete the pokedex and I need flygon. (i'm too lazy to level up a trapinch)

So, if you want something specific for it, just ask below. If you don't want me to keep it, you can just trade it to me and i'll trade it back immediately. 

I got one. But i need to evolve my huanter too. I don prefer gts. Give me your friendcode maybe?
Ok. thanks! my friend code is at the side, but it's 2380-2585-8089 

What is your friend code?
Also do you want something specific for it?
Nah just tradr 
Mine is : 1135 0401 2132
Add me
I gonna sleep now, tade with you 9 hours later 
No it's fine, thanks!
I can trade you a flygon, You can even keep it if you like. I didn't use it for anything rather just to have the data for it. x)  Add 1993-9489-3779
Oh ok, I'll add you and tradw with you! (once I get home since im in school atm)

My friend code is at the side, but it's 2380-2585-8089 

Added! and no problem  Smile

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