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I need some help with breeding.
ive been breeding all day and i cant make a 6iv bagon -.-
im using a 6iv ditto and a 5iv bagon and it just aint working
anyone can help?
If you're using 6IV and 5IV parents plus Destiny Knot already, there isn't much else you can do. The knot will make 5 of the IVs pass down, but that last IV needs to roll a 31 on its own. It's all about luck.

Are you raising a mixed Salamence? If not, you don't need 6IV. And even if you are, nobody's really gonna notice if your lesser defense stat has a 20-something IV instead of 31.

Good luck if you keep trying, though!
really -.- and yea im making mixed i just thought you need all perfect ivs for a good pokemon

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