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LF Gen 6: XY Poke for ORAS please.
great. thanks!
@Zyx6 I'm free right now... If you want I'll breed for you every pokemon you didn't remove from your list and I'll trade legendary and the evolutions (you'll have to trade them back then)

I'll wait for your answer (if you forgot to remove some pkmn from the list do it please)
@Meluem92 sorry I fell asleep. But sure, I can get back online whenever. I traded everything back so I still mostly need everything except Dedenne Lol. I'd greatly appreciate it btw.
@Zyx6 I hope we can find a moment today to trade XD probably I'll be online in 5-6 hours or 11-12 hours

Edit: Bunnelby, Litleo, Espurr, Swirlix, Binacle, Skrelp, Helioptile, Amaura, Hawlucha, Klefki, Pumpkaboo, Bergmite and Noibat are waiting for you :3

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