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LF Lapras
I need a Lapras, any Lapras. Preferably with water absorb, but any ability is fine. Thank you.
Add my friend code, I will add yours in a min and can trade you a Lapras.  What are you looking to trade for it?
(Aug 30, 2016, 03:01 PM)Sandsy Wrote: Add my friend code, I will add yours in a min and can trade you a Lapras.  What are you looking to trade for it?

Added your fc. I don't have much on the game I'm asking for, but I have a few HA luxios and eevees (that all have 3 IVs), also have a 3IV Zorua. That's about the best I can offer since I've barely done any work with my dex in OR and mostly just getting a competitive team set.
Will trade for a Luxio.  Just to confirm, you are not too fussed about the lapras you receive? I have a level 30 one with water absorb.  I have not given it any ev training (since I just got it).
(Aug 30, 2016, 03:07 PM)Sandsy Wrote: Will trade for a Luxio.  Just to confirm, you are not too fussed about the lapras you receive? I have a level 30 one with water absorb.  I have not given it any ev training (since I just got it).

Nah, I can go breed for some IVs. Just can't get a Lapras in ORAS and everyone on the GTS wants an Arceus for one. Y'know the drill.

Edit: Whoops, forgot the only 3IV Lux I had left I evolved. Hope you're okay with that.
Job done.  Thanks for luxray.

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