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LF Male Espurr/Meowstick With HA
Hello everyone im looking for a Male Espurr with HA (Own Tempo)
or a Male Meowstick with HA (Prankster) Im not looking for a specific nature
or thing like that just the pokemon (:

Thanks :D
i have a male espurr with HA and calm nature which i think is the preferred nature for it
Can we trade? (:
(Jan 21, 2015, 12:35 PM)AlmeidaEduardo Wrote: Hello everyone im looking for a Male Espurr with HA (Own Tempo)
or a Male Meowstick with HA (Prankster) Im not looking for a specific nature
or thing like that just the pokemon (:

Thanks :D

I have a 5 IV Espurr bold nature with HA
Trade? (:

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