Mar 14, 2017, 01:00 PM
Have for trade
5iv adamant metagros
s 5iv jolly metagross
5iv bold regenerator toxapex
5iv jolly poison heal breloom
5iv timid starmie
5iv careful prankster klefki
Rash Reshiram
Sassy guzzlord
pheromosa 1. Rash 2. Calm 3. Bold
Modest Xurkitree
Naive japanese kartana
Hardy Mewtwo
Rash Ho Oh
Timid deoxys
Careful Rayquaza
Hardy Magearna
Naughty Necrozma
Impish Entei
Docile Mespirit
Timid Uxie
Hardy zapdos
Hardy articuno
Hardy moltres
Calm Virizion
Mild Terrakion
Gentle Cobalion
Naughty Tornadus
All caught by me (except Kartana)
And bunch of breejects
Have for trade
5iv adamant metagros
s 5iv jolly metagross
5iv bold regenerator toxapex
5iv jolly poison heal breloom
5iv timid starmie
5iv careful prankster klefki
Rash Reshiram
Sassy guzzlord
pheromosa 1. Rash 2. Calm 3. Bold
Modest Xurkitree
Naive japanese kartana
Hardy Mewtwo
Rash Ho Oh
Timid deoxys
Careful Rayquaza
Hardy Magearna
Naughty Necrozma
Impish Entei
Docile Mespirit
Timid Uxie
Hardy zapdos
Hardy articuno
Hardy moltres
Calm Virizion
Mild Terrakion
Gentle Cobalion
Naughty Tornadus
All caught by me (except Kartana)
And bunch of breejects