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[LOOKING FOR] LF : Shiny Tapu Koko & Salazzle with Fake Out.
Hi there!
I'm looking for Shiny Tapu Koko & Salazzle with Fake Out.
I don't care if it's cloned or not.

I have many things to offer. Cloning service,items, br pokemons or shiny pokemons (my pokemons are all perfect ivs).
So if you want anything, name it. I'll see if I have it or not.

Thank you in advance. Wink
I have Tapu Koko. Smile  What shinies do you have?

Edit: I have shiny Salazzle, but it does not have Fake Out.
@esta Are you looking for a shiny Salazzle with fake out or a normal one?
I'm back again.
Sorry for replying late.
I already got shiny Tapu Koko from somewhere else.
I still need Fake Out Salazzle (normal one). Tell me what do you want in return?
@esta  Would you trade event ecxlusive Pokémon like Manaphy or Hoopa?
I'm back again.

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