Cleffa is okay too, but with max ivs.
I got to offer: Kommo-o Jolly SFAB, Gastrodon Relaxed SFAB, Garchomp Jolly SFAB, Celesteela Careful FAB, Aerodactyl Jolly SFAB, Breding Rejects (Deino, Growilithe, Sandygast, Litten, Togedemaru, Murkrow, Cottonee, Feebas, Caterpie, Horsea, Nidoran, Meowth-A, Marill, Paras, Torkoal, Mantine, Omanyte, Porygon, Wingull, Drifloon, Psyduck, Pichu, Mareanie, Slowpoke, Wimpod, Smeargle, Oranguru, Petilil, Ferroseed)
I got to offer: Kommo-o Jolly SFAB, Gastrodon Relaxed SFAB, Garchomp Jolly SFAB, Celesteela Careful FAB, Aerodactyl Jolly SFAB, Breding Rejects (Deino, Growilithe, Sandygast, Litten, Togedemaru, Murkrow, Cottonee, Feebas, Caterpie, Horsea, Nidoran, Meowth-A, Marill, Paras, Torkoal, Mantine, Omanyte, Porygon, Wingull, Drifloon, Psyduck, Pichu, Mareanie, Slowpoke, Wimpod, Smeargle, Oranguru, Petilil, Ferroseed)