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[LOOKING FOR] False Swipe Smeargle
Looking for a shinny hunting companion, preferably a false swipe smeargle with other good shinny hunting moves. If you have one I can clone it and give it back to you. I have one in pokebank just cant get it to my game until Jan.2017... Any help would be awesome.
heres a guide it will help allot
its super easy to get smeargle and teach it moves by teaching other pokemon moves and deleting everything but the pokemon you want. Then go find a ditto, start with the pokemon with the move, let the ditto transform, switch to smeargle and sketch it.

Go to the high roller sushi to buy heart scales, go to the pokemon league to the move reminder to learn sketch again, than repeat
I have one at lvl 33, with False Swipe, Pluck, Karate Chop and Sketch so it can still learn one more move. I can lend it for you to clone it and trade back if you want Smile

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