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[LOOKING FOR] Got, Thanks
Greetings, I'm looking for some unusued codes! I have a few shinies that I'd be willing to part with, or I can breed out some Pokemon/HA's as well. I generally have most HAs with a few exception, so just let me know what you are looking for.

Shinies for trade:

Ninetales (basic one)
I have a few NA marshadow codes
@Vohras ive been collecting a couple and id love to trade one for that shuppet or maybe the froakie :D could I get a little info on both??
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
I have several Marshadow and Salazar NA codes if you would like to trade.
I'm open to whoever wants to trade me first. Let me drag the shuppet and froakie out of the bank to look... Just as a note, only looking for codes and not the physical redeemed pokemon.

The shuppet is one I caught while EV training in ORAS. It's Quiet nature and grabage IVs other than a 31 attack. Level 15 no EVS. It's in a Pokeball.

The froakie I traded off someone a while back. It's Naive, Female, and has 31 IVs in HP and S.Atk. It's in an Ultra ball.

If anyone else has questions about any of the other mons, just let me know.

i have marshadow
If any of you see something from my list that you want, drop me a pm and I'll be happy to trade it over for the code.
Lol geez I'm stupid I didn't even specify that I'm offering a silvally code xD @Vohras
Dont know why I never thought to put this here...
All your Hidden Ability needs in one place <3
That's fine, wartty. I need that as well! Do you want either of the shuppet or the froakie?
Hey @Vohras ,I have a few Silvally codes and I'm interested in your Woobat, Heracross and Whismur. Can I get some info on those? Smile

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