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[LOOKING FOR] Hidden Ability Pokemons
I'm currently looking for a couple of pokes with hidden abilities. The ones in particular are Geodude and Jangmo-o. Breeding rejects would be fine as I've no problem about doing the breeding myself. anyone interested can post in this thread or send me a PM. the ones i offer are 4ivs or 5 ivs. Thanks much in advance! 

To offer: 
Adamant Rockruff (Stead Fast)
Modest Popplio 
Adamant Cuebone (Lightning Rod)
Adamant Minior 
Timid Vulpix (Snow warning)
Adamant Litten
Adamant Rowlett
Modest Whishiwashi
Bold Marieni (Regenarator)
Calm Exegutte (Harvest)
Timid Pichu (Lighting Rod)
Adamant Sandshrew (Slush Rush)

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