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[LOOKING FOR] Shiny Mimikyu
I was wondering if anyone had a shiny mimikyu for trade. I don't have to many good pokemon but i am willing to trade something that would work out ( like charmander, duosion, or rowlet if you chose another starter) Thanks my friend code is 2105-9550-3677.
do you have any shinies to offer?
no ;-; if i did i would have offered those i have shinies in pokemon or/as but i can't get them into pokemon moon due to me being in school rn and not being able to buy anything even if it's not to much
@Flandre lol i could accept stuff in xy :p whatcha got?
a few random pokemon, a charmander, fenniken,torracat, rowlett, duosion, and horsea
@Flandre lol no in oras what shinys do you have?
a lvl 100 shiny glaceon and sylveon and leafeon, and a shiny eevee but i'm not trading the eevee sadly
@Flandre lol could i get some stats and stuff on the leafeon?
idk how to get that in moon though ;-; and if i have to pay for it i won't be able to
@Flandre lol i can trade you in oras then mimikyu in sunmoon :p

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