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[LOOKING FOR] Ultra Beasts | [OFFER] UBs, Shinies, etc
Nah, I'd only be interested in legitimate in-game caught mons, if possible. ;3
The only reason I offer Manaphy here is, because I personally don't have any use for it and hoped that someone who doesn't need their UBs would get interested in that pretty one, not caring about it being hacked, genned, edited or whatsoever. |D" Otherwise, I'd as well throw them back into the wonder trade.
Honestly, I assumed tho, that this Manaphy's hacked or otherwisely edited. Since I refuse to believe anybody's lucky enough to run into a Shiny with 6 perfect IVs while SRing... u_u;;

Anyways, it's good to know that the 20th anniversary Pokémon are "shiny locked"! I didn't know that yet, tbh.
Thanks for the info! :3

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