Dec 7, 2017, 11:58 AM
(Dec 6, 2017, 08:43 PM)xcr03 Wrote: [EDIT: reward will be given if requested for vanillish]
ive spent my whole time looking for a vanillish
i looked on a wikipedia, and went to where it said it was
ive been grinding forever looking for it
its the last pokemon i need for my pokedex
please, share some mercy on a poor soul
and grant thy wish of an ice cream cone
ill even give it back if its needed.
heres my pleading in haiku...
i hate ice cream cones
i dont like wasting my time
spare my suffering
haiku by xcr03©™ haiku uploaded on soundcloud, buy the album for 9.99
picture provieded from winter-freak @deviant_art
i tihkn i might have one in my box actually