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[LOOKING FOR] thick club and metal coat
title says it all. i can offer any bp item and some scyther, cubone, HA mareanie, HA vulpix, and wingul 5 iv breedjects. also have a few bottle caps if those entice you :3
How many bottle caps? Also do you want a Sizor or just the metal coat?
i can give a thick club. i would like a mega stone or a sachet in return
@MudkipMasta 1 bottle cap for 1 metal coat. and i need the item bc i need to evolve the scyther i bred :3

@CellyBean i have the satchet whenever you're ready to trade!
@pokebrowne added you let me know when you're on and i'll head to festival plaza
@CellyBean i'll be on for the next hour or so!
@pokebrowne alright im at festival plaza
@pokebrowne why do you keep turning down my trade requests?  Huh
@CellyBean sorry bout that the first time i trade requested you it said you denied it and then i waited for an hour and didnt get any more requests so i figured you were gone. i'm free almost any time tomorrow before 12 pm est and after 5 pm est
@pokebrowne ah i've noticed when trading with other people if both of us send trade requests at the same time then it automatically cancels the trade request. lets meet up at 6pm est in festival plaza and i will send you a trade request. DONT SEND ME A REQUEST OR ELSE IT WILL CANCEL THE REQUEST

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