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Legendary only Modification needed
I would like a trust worthy indivisual to help me mod some of the ivs and nature's of some legendary pokemon I recurved ad I personally could not soft reset to get my desired stats and help offered will be really appreciated and please, nobody try to scam me I'm just trying to enjoy the competitive experience be kind
(Aug 22, 2016, 07:38 PM)KatsuHitsu Wrote: I would like a trust worthy indivisual to help me mod some of the ivs and nature's of some legendary pokemon I recurved ad I personally could not soft reset to get my desired stats and help offered will be really appreciated and please, nobody try to scam me I'm just trying to enjoy the competitive experience be kind

It is not that difficult. Find a Ralts with the nature you want and just try a few times. You aren't going to get perfect IVs anyways. The only IVs you need are Atk/SpA and speed. Anything else is usually just for fun

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