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Looking for a lvl 1 shiny gastly!
Trading shiny or legendaries for it!
I have one, if you need it Smile
Yes please! What do you want for it?
(Dec 13, 2014, 01:01 PM)Bluemach1 Wrote: Yes please! What do you want for it?

Hmm, I'm fine with anything you find fair for it (: (no need to be a legendary)
Ahh I mean I don't have too much. I'm new to Pokemon trading so I'm not too sure what would be worth haha.
(Dec 13, 2014, 01:08 PM)Bluemach1 Wrote: Ahh I mean I don't have too much. I'm new to Pokemon trading so I'm not too sure what would be worth haha.

I see ^^ in that case, I'm absolutely fine with anything, really (:
Ahh sweet!! I'll add you and my fc is 5215 1160 9516
(Dec 13, 2014, 01:13 PM)Bluemach1 Wrote: Ahh sweet!! I'll add you and my fc is 5215 1160 9516

added you. I'll use my Y, my in game name is Ygritte. Feel free to initiate trade whenever you like Smile
Thank you so much!!!
(Dec 13, 2014, 01:18 PM)Bluemach1 Wrote: Thank you so much!!!

welcome Smile have fun with it ^ ^

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