Mar 17, 2019, 10:07 AM
Heya! I’m new and I thought this would be good to get rid of unwanted Pokemon and too fill my Pokédex!
this is for X and Y btw. I have x, so y exclusive Pokemon will be much appreciated
ok, the Pokemon I have to trade, and amounts;
Gulpin (6)
Litleo (7)
Klefki (11)
Bagon (3)
Numel (10)
Torchick (1)
Fennekin (2)
disclaimer!: two gulpins have nicknames. Those are:
Send me a friend request, tell me what Pokemon you want and... yeah! I’ll probably have more soon since I’m gonna do some more Masuda breeding soon.
this is for X and Y btw. I have x, so y exclusive Pokemon will be much appreciated
ok, the Pokemon I have to trade, and amounts;
Gulpin (6)
Litleo (7)
Klefki (11)
Bagon (3)
Numel (10)
Torchick (1)
Fennekin (2)
disclaimer!: two gulpins have nicknames. Those are:
Send me a friend request, tell me what Pokemon you want and... yeah! I’ll probably have more soon since I’m gonna do some more Masuda breeding soon.