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[MINI-SERIES] I Am An Axew - Weekly Updates
Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and today I debut a mini-series featuring my favorite Dragon-Type evolution line: Axew, Fraxure, and Haxorus!

After the feedback I got on my Shiny hunting records (the Cheesecake Kingdom v. Maledict's Army), I thought it'd be fun to introduce a weekly mini-series to showcase my writing skills, as well as try to engage readers through the medium I enjoy the most. Thus, I present to you, "I Am An Axew." A series of inner monologues from the prespective of an Axew that finds himself mysteriously stranded on an uncharted island somewhere in the Pokémon World. Populated by pokémon from every region, he begins to unravel the mystery of the strange land while uncovering hidden truths about his past, and his role in things to come!

Since this VGC season is looking to be pretty stale, I'm hoping this series will replace my biweekly VGC analyses. Hope you'll all support me in this endeavor, and don't forget to enjoy!

Thanks in advance for reading, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!

- 0kamii

I Am An Axew - #01

What's going on? What's this bright light in my eyes? It's...the sun? Am I on a beach? But, how? I was...I was...I can't remember.

I see a forest, lush and green. What's in there? Should I be afraid? I don't know what's going on.

Okay, okay. Calm down. I should find someone, something. Anyone that I can speak to. Maybe they'd be willing to tell me what's going on, where I am? I should start looking around. I can hear something faint coming from down the coast. Surely, I'll find someone soon.

This sand is so coarse, it kind of hurts my feet. At least the water is nice, though. A crisp shade of blue too. Too bad I'm not on vacation, this would be a cool spot. Nah, what am I saying? I need to find someone who knows what's going on. It doesn't look like the sun will be going down anytime soon, so I guess there's that at least. Oh, nice breeze. Blech! Salt in my nose, salt in my nose!

Where is everyone? It's been a while, and I haven't seen any footprints, heard any voices. Nothing. It's like I'm here alone. I hope not, that'd complicated things. Maybe I should try calling out? No, wait. What if that attracts the wrong kind of thing? Wait, what am I saying? I can spew purple energy from my mouth. What do I have to worry about? Then again, oh...get it together!

Gees, it's hot here. Even with the sun going down it's getting harder to trek in this heat. How am I suppose to keep going if I...wait. Is that...? Is that a Persian? What're they doing stretched out on the beach in this heat? Nevermind, doesn't matter. I wanted to find someone and this is it. Okay, stay calm and be cool. They might be just as lost and confused as you are. You don't want to appear creepy, or helpless. But what do I do if they're mean? Oh right, purple energy. Well, here goes nothing.

They've been staring at me an awfully long time. All I did was say hi. They're not moving, blinking, heck I don't even know if they're breathing. Maybe I should try and continue the conversation on my own? Something like, "Do you know where we are?" or "I was hoping you could answer a few questions," wait...what?

My name? He wants my name? Why should I give him my name? I want his first.

Ruby. Hm. Alright, well then. I guess that's fair. If he wants my name, fine. I'm just an Axew, after all.

- (10/21/2017)
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 

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[MINI-SERIES] I Am An Axew - Weekly Updates - by 0kamii - Oct 21, 2017, 01:47 PM

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