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My breeding shop
@Frost so i just bred you your comfey, it is female in a moon ball has 6ivs and has the egg move endure along with other ordinary moves. apparently i cant teach it amnesia without hacking or pokebank updating because of chain breeding according to bulbapedia im sorry. would you still like it?

and im also working on your kangaskhan and i can teach it all the moves you requested!
(Jan 14, 2017, 09:42 AM)CellyBean Wrote: @Frost so i just bred you your comfey, it is female in a moon ball has 6ivs and has the egg move endure along with other ordinary moves. apparently i cant teach it amnesia without hacking or pokebank updating because of chain breeding according to bulbapedia im sorry. would you still like it?

and im also working on your kangaskhan and i can teach it all the moves you requested!

of course! just give me anything will good ivs :P
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
@Frost alright i will!

and just in case anybody is interested i now have three-four comfeys up for trade that have their hidden ability
@CellyBean nah the 1 eggmove i want isnt out yet so just the drifloon is fine :p what would you like in return? was wondering what ability it had though, ive got almost all the HA gen7 pokemon so anything you need
@wartty it has the ability flare boost actually which is its HA. what shinies do you have for trade?
@CellyBean lol well ive got a ribombee and female salandit i wouldnt mind letting go of, but seems a little steep for one pokeball, could I pick another?
@wartty sure go ahead!
@Frost bred your kangaskghan last night it has 5 ivs and all the moves you requested. working on your finneon now Smile
Hi I'm interested in a bagon (gender doesn't matter), timid nature, 5 ivs (no Atk), egg moves Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse (if you can If not it's fine). I have a few shinies to trade Ninetales, Pichu, and Abra.
@Frost do you mind if your finneon is a male? the best iv one that i've bred is a male finneon with all the egg moves you requested and its a 5iv.

also before i get started on your toxapex since im breeding it would you prefer a mareanie or a toxapex?

@FR3D Lucha that sounds good to me but i need to check bulbapedia when it starts working on my computer to see if i can teach bagon those egg moves Smile

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