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[NEW MEMBER] “Hello, ladies and gentlemen of the forum!”
If you saw a topic like this before, I accidentally hit post while typing. Sorry!

“I'm a natural entertainer and gamer from the land of warratahs and wattles, Neon Skylite!”
translation: I'm a gamer and extrovert from NSW. Hi.

I'm a white, female (cis) teenager from Australia's most populous state, NSW. I'm extroverted, nerdy-smart and is constantly quizzing everything, from large things like humanity and more tinier, ridiculous things like how the hell Greninja looks very unappealing to me when everyone else enjoys him. its choking itself. With its tongue. That's not a ninja sash-thingy-i-dunno-i-dont-do-ninjas. Please.

My first game was Pokémon SoulSilver when I was 8. My starter was a Chikorita, always named LeafQueen, even when Chikoritas have 87.5 percent of a chance being male, and my rival's name was “I'M STUPID”. Though, SSBM introduced me to Pokémon and so did the anime. I think I'm the only one who likes Melee other than competitive reasons. Sob. Since my team was all Grass and Bug, I never got past the first gym.

In 2014 I bought X, started a game with a Fennekin, beat it with Delphox, Absol, Venusaur, Lucario, Xerneas and some filler pokémon I forgot, and started many new files until I got a copy of Y last year.

I now own Sun and Moon, finished Sun, but still haven't got past Illima's trial in Moon. I need to catch up.

since this seems like quite a few members are big on Shiny hunting, here's my statistics.
- My first shiny was a Zangoose in X. His name was USA, but I erased USA along with the rest of my file to start a new game. (It was my first one.)
- I found a shiny Mime Jr. in a horde via random encounters in X. I knocked out the whole horde, was about to catch him, then I hit run by accident. Great job, Neon. (I think it was my second or first. I dunno.)
- My first Masuda Method shiny was a Buneary in X, picked specifically after my own, tattered-and-worn-out-but-still-loved-very-much bunny plush, which is also pink. He took 538 eggs, but was only 2IV. Cri. His name is Peachy. (My current file.)
- My first Friend Safari shiny was a Hoothoot. I was exploring a guy's FS for him, and caught it when he popped up. His name is GoldWisdom. Golden Wisdom nor GoldenWisdom would fit.
- My first chain fishing shiny was a Clauncher named Rusty, who took a whopping 16 reels without a shiny charm.
- Later that day I caught Bubblegum, a Vanillite, after 4 hordes. Still didn't own a charm.

This was too long so this is a recap of my other interests
- Ace Attorney
- Warriors
- Debating
- Autism Spectrum Disorder not an autistic myself, but I like to study what Autistics feel about how the world perceives them. I HIGHLY encourage everyone to read up on the detrimental effects of Autism Speaks and certain types of therapy like ABA.
- Really long jokes

I'm a high functioning sociopath, nice to meet you
im a insane mutilcultral gamer, nice to meet you
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku

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