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Hello Everyone, I'm new to this site. I was browsing the GTS looking for level 100  6IV dittos and I kept coming across Ditto's with the name "" So i decided to check it out and here I am. Don't know much about this site but I'm looking forward to getting involved with the community as I'm starting to get into Pokemon again and it would be a lot more enjoyable to talk to people who understand what I'm talking about Vs. talking to my roomate who doesn't have a clue heh. Hopefully I meet a lot of cool people and thanks for having me!
Glad you were able to find the site, welcome to the forum! :D
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
so stoked you found us @Pkmnd00d!
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Welcome here! I'm sure you'll like it here, we are pretty friendly.
Welcome to the forums!
Check out my current breedject giveaway!

My mons are all bred in-game. I don't gen or clone, and I check the parents' history whenever possible.

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