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Need help completing OR and X pokedexs
(Jul 15, 2015, 08:45 PM)terrorkid94 Wrote: I'm going to start getting the ones that you're missing the whole line of starting with gen 1 so rattata spearow ekans cleffa paras meowth mankey grimer shellder krabby voltorb exeggcute tyrouge koffing horsea goldeen mime jr elekid and magby I post on here once I have them all
Oh my goodness thank you so much!!! I tweeted out to Justin Flynn asking if he knew anyone who could help and of course he recommended this site, he was right. Thank you so much. I'm actually heading to bed right now and will be up hopefully in around 8-9 hours..

Messages In This Thread
Need help completing OR and X pokedexs - by Amara512 - Jul 15, 2015, 04:57 PM
RE: Need help completing OR and X pokedexs - by Amara512 - Jul 15, 2015, 09:29 PM

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