Nov 30, 2014, 03:39 AM
(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2014, 05:40 AM by Pokélander.)
Ok first off, there has been a lot of speculation as to how to use the Dex Nav correctly to chain for shinies. This guide is going to inform you on the do's and don'ts so that you can keep the chain going to reach that desired sparkly pokemon.
Let me start by saying the only thing that is unsure of, is wheather or not the search level counter functions as a multiplier. It seems as if more people are having luck at higher levels (around 500 and above,) although I have witnessed shinies personally and from others below a search level of 100, so its not unheard of.
Now Lets get started. First your going to need the obvious, Repels and a specific pokemon which needs to be caught in order to use the search feature in the Dex Nav. I recommend catching all pokemon on the route. Using sweet scent and running is going to boost the search level function much faster than battling one at a time.
To start a chain simply use the Dex Nav in an open area surrounded by grass or walk around until a pokemon appears in the grass. Walk slowly with the circle pad "Sneaking" until you have encountered said pokemon. This encounter can be dealt with one of two ways, either by fainting or capturing the pokemon. Here is where a keen eye comes into play. Every pokemon has a base Lv. in different routes, for example: Ralts found on route 102 has a base lv. of 3, meaning when you start a chain you will find him no lower than lv.3. Why is this important? Because for every 5th and 6th kill you are going to see an increase in level by 10 and then 1... i.e.
-First Encounter (Lv.3) -Seventh Encounter (Lv.4)
-Second Encounter (Lv.3) -Eighth Encounter (Lv.4)
-Third Encounter (Lv.3) -Ninth Encounter (Lv.4)
-Fourth Encounter (Lv.3) -Tenth Encounter (Lv.14)
-Fith Encounter (Lv. 13) -Eleventh Encounter (Lv.5)
-Sixth Encounter (Lv.4)
This is going to continue until you reach a chain of 100 where it then resets back to its base Lv. Do not confuse your chain with the search level counter, as those are two different things. And as of now it is unclear wheather or not the reset breaks the chain as Im assuming it does. Its also worthy to note that if you switch pokes mid hunt don't be worried about the change in levels, all it means is that the switched pokemon has a different base Lv. from the previous one.
Now the biggest suprise here is that a chain can be continued even if you decide to switch pokemon mid hunt, meaning if you back out of the Dex Nav you will be able to click another pokemon and continue. Remember every 5th and 6th kill are the indications that your chain is still going. Even different pokemon that pop up while your walking around will not break your chain. This brings me to what happens when no pokemon are found while using the search feature, simply walk around 20 or so steps and search again.
Finally we get to what causes a chain break (Short&Sweet)
-Running from battle
-Leaving a route
-Random Encounter
-Getting on/off Bike
-Hopping a curb
-Running too fast with the Circle Pad
-Using the D-Pad close to the pokemon (this will not break if used from far away)
In the end there will be no indication that a shiny is wating for you in the grass, It will be a total supprise when you come across it. I hope this helps for those who feel a little lost with th Dex Nav : ]
Let me start by saying the only thing that is unsure of, is wheather or not the search level counter functions as a multiplier. It seems as if more people are having luck at higher levels (around 500 and above,) although I have witnessed shinies personally and from others below a search level of 100, so its not unheard of.
Now Lets get started. First your going to need the obvious, Repels and a specific pokemon which needs to be caught in order to use the search feature in the Dex Nav. I recommend catching all pokemon on the route. Using sweet scent and running is going to boost the search level function much faster than battling one at a time.
To start a chain simply use the Dex Nav in an open area surrounded by grass or walk around until a pokemon appears in the grass. Walk slowly with the circle pad "Sneaking" until you have encountered said pokemon. This encounter can be dealt with one of two ways, either by fainting or capturing the pokemon. Here is where a keen eye comes into play. Every pokemon has a base Lv. in different routes, for example: Ralts found on route 102 has a base lv. of 3, meaning when you start a chain you will find him no lower than lv.3. Why is this important? Because for every 5th and 6th kill you are going to see an increase in level by 10 and then 1... i.e.
-First Encounter (Lv.3) -Seventh Encounter (Lv.4)
-Second Encounter (Lv.3) -Eighth Encounter (Lv.4)
-Third Encounter (Lv.3) -Ninth Encounter (Lv.4)
-Fourth Encounter (Lv.3) -Tenth Encounter (Lv.14)
-Fith Encounter (Lv. 13) -Eleventh Encounter (Lv.5)
-Sixth Encounter (Lv.4)
This is going to continue until you reach a chain of 100 where it then resets back to its base Lv. Do not confuse your chain with the search level counter, as those are two different things. And as of now it is unclear wheather or not the reset breaks the chain as Im assuming it does. Its also worthy to note that if you switch pokes mid hunt don't be worried about the change in levels, all it means is that the switched pokemon has a different base Lv. from the previous one.
Now the biggest suprise here is that a chain can be continued even if you decide to switch pokemon mid hunt, meaning if you back out of the Dex Nav you will be able to click another pokemon and continue. Remember every 5th and 6th kill are the indications that your chain is still going. Even different pokemon that pop up while your walking around will not break your chain. This brings me to what happens when no pokemon are found while using the search feature, simply walk around 20 or so steps and search again.
Finally we get to what causes a chain break (Short&Sweet)
-Running from battle
-Leaving a route
-Random Encounter
-Getting on/off Bike
-Hopping a curb
-Running too fast with the Circle Pad
-Using the D-Pad close to the pokemon (this will not break if used from far away)
In the end there will be no indication that a shiny is wating for you in the grass, It will be a total supprise when you come across it. I hope this helps for those who feel a little lost with th Dex Nav : ]