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[ORAS] Some questions after much time away from pokemon
I have been many years without play pokemon , the last one which i played for a long time was Emerald and after this mostly i did was play story line xD some don't even finished it xD , but i have some questions since i'm planning play , at least in rules of , competitive battles so some of them are : 

1 - I have seen many people cloning pokemons and giving them , but it was legal ? since i read it was the same of original one ? have any way to know if its or not , since i got an Celebi , prolly was from March event , which same OT information than mine i got from Mystery Gift but don't know if its clonned or not;

2 - I was searching about somethings in forums and some of them have things called "Custom Shiny" then i tried search but don't found anything about it , so if someone could explain me what are these;

3 - it's a question about digital copy of game , since when they released X and Y some people said had problems with game and since i don't have any close friend which had a digital copy would like ask for someone who have it if already had any problems and thing like this since in holyday of this year new game is comming xD

I really thank you for read till now and thank you much more if you could help me :D
1. There's two different terms that get applied to Pokemon, Legal and Legit. Legal means that everything about it is able to be obtained and there's no illegal moves on it. For legendaries, the level met and location have to match up to where it can be caught. For events, not only does the level met and location have to match up, but the OT and trainer ID have to match up with the event it was given out. If the Pokemon has a blue pentagon, it can't get any move that can only be learned from previous generations. Legit means that no hacking device was used to create the Pokemon. So that means that only in-game methods were used to obtain the Pokemon.

2. Custom shinies are shiny Pokemon that are made for you with whatever you want on them, as long as it's legal. This includes nature, IVs, moves, etc.

3. Back when X and Y came out, there was an infamous bug where if you saved in Lumiose City, it would break the game the next time you loaded it up, forcing you to restart. They have since fixed it and are constantly fixing new bugs that arrive all the time.

Welcome back to Pokemon! I hope you enjoy our mega evolutions.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.

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