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[ORAS] Speculation of how to catch Shiny Pokemon May be true?!
Entry #1
So many have speculated that catching a shiny pokemon is done through chaining in the dex nav, thanks to the lovely video that Justin Flynn himself had posted.  Now after doing many tedious hours of game play to try and confirm I was at a loss and to be quiet honest I had little high hopes that it was a true thing.  I did not give up however, I did notice if you use the dex nav in the grass rather than a patch that pokemon can't appear out of it is more than likely the dex nav won't pick it up, sometimes it does but normally it doesn't.  Now the search level does help on getting stars and hidden abilities with your pokemon and I believe the higher the search level the better the pokemon you are chaining gets.  Here are some tips that seemed to help me keep up my chains, take a patch in the very corner and search from there each time because more than likely  you only will have one or two patches of grass to look through (or whatever terain you are in).  To lower the amount of patches to go through will make it alot easier on you as the pokemon when they appear are on a timer of at least 20-30seconds roughly.  Make sure you kill the pokemon you are trying to chain each time you find it, unless it is shiny, if another pokemon you aren't chaining appears don't fret kill it and you will be able to continue the chain (however the pokemon you just killed does not count towards the chain).  To answer a couple questions.

1.Can you switch pokemon in your party or will it break your chain?
A: as long as you don't leave the area your chain is in tact.
2.Do you use the dex nav directly after you kill the pokemon?
A:you can but I found better results running back to the point where I first started the search.
3.How do you know the chaining is working?
A: I will use an example of the shiny eevee I caught when doing this method.  Eevee starts at level 8, so when you chain 5 times by the 5th time the eevee should be level 18 then on the 6th chain it adds a level to the base making it level 9 for the remaining 4 chains then up to level 19 on the 10th chain. So every 5 chains the level will increase then the 6th chain will be +1 the base of the level you first fainted, if that makes any sense.
4.Is there another method of chaining?
A: as far as I can tell no not really.

I would like to say that this isn't completely confirmed yet, just posting my findings after spending 72hrs to get a shiny eevee which I successfully completed on Chain #1 search level 405. If it does not work don't fret just keep at it, more than likely this is the actual method but I hope this helps :D By the way if you feel like having a challenge and want to search in more than one patch of grass or what ever terrain you are in try to not use headphones.

Entry #2

So what I have discovered chaining at a high search level (100+) is alot easier compared to chaining at a low search level (1-99) not sure why but I have tested a couple theories, catch all pokemon in the area before shiny hunting your specified pokemon, after I did this it made things alot easier, though i do noticed that the lower the search level the harder the it may be to find your shiny pokemon, so try to get your search level to at least 100 as it will serve to make chaining a lot easier on you. Proof: Shiny hunting for Zorua, Vulpix, and Elgyem all started on search level 1 but it was really hard till I got Zorua search level to 186 now it's easy Zorua appears 98% of the time. As for vulpix and elgyem still testing the theory out, I will let you know further details when I do more testing.

Entry #3
I have caught a shiny vulpix at search level 96 so as I said it would be hard to chain lower than search level 100 it's not necessarily impossible to do. I have found another method that might work but honestly I wouldn't try it out unless you have patience because it's a probability factor, not that anything else isn't. The method I am speaking of is not killing the pokemon that appears that isn't your pokemon you are trying to chain but instead running out of the area just slightly so the pokemon dex nav says that the pokemon can't be read, then go back to your point and search and your pokemon you are trying to chain appears again and the chain shouldn't be broken, this is how I got my vulpix, but to be honest, I want to debunk this theory as it was rather difficult to maintain because I have broken the chain twice doing this but some other times I kept it up. So I would advise only doing this method unless you have alot of patience. I did not but still I was able to do it.
I can kind of confirm that this method works. I got a shiny Venomoth (promptly named AATTVVV) after 268 searches for it on Search Finder. The chains I've had varied from 5 to 70+, but I still don't know why some chains randomly break when there's "No response" from the DexNav. Can anyone clarify why this happens and how I can avoid this?
Ninweegee, I sure can, I have speculation that you should not fret just run around hit search, it normally means you went to the search too fast, if another pokemon appears that isn't the one you are chaining the possibility of your chain being broken is low, kill that pokemon and continue the search. Generally if the dex can't find it, it means one of two things 1. you searched in the terain (just get out of the grass or whatever else you are standing on and run outside of it but not too far, 2. you searched too quickly (general rule is 5-20 steps before searching again).
(Nov 29, 2014, 11:31 AM)nintendosfinestnerd Wrote: Ninweegee, I sure can, I have speculation that you should not fret just run around hit search, it normally means you went to the search too fast, if another pokemon appears that isn't the one you are chaining the possibility of your chain being broken is low, kill that pokemon and continue the search. Generally if the dex can't find it, it means one of two things 1. you searched in the terain (just get out of the grass or whatever else you are standing on and run outside of it but not too far, 2. you searched too quickly (general rule is 5-20 steps before searching again).

Alright, thanks for the advice!
Not a problem
Bump Entry #2 and #3 have been added.

My video on my theory being put to use
I haven't had any luck with the dex nav yet, got to a chain of 110 with Pikachu and still no shiny, I got mad and went to Lillycove to fish for a Staryu for I could have it in my pokedex and I got three shiny Wailmers. Now I have four shiny Wailmers haha.
Edit: I caught a shiny Ralts last night after 31 chains, it was a male and I wanted a female cause I want my shiny Mega Gardevoir. I'm gonna keep trying till I get a female Ralts haha
I'm going to give shiny hunting via this method a shot, as I've just beaten the 8th Gym and will beat the Elite four then get to it.
I feel like the method definitely works, but there are potentially things that we do not know, that effect the chances.
There seems to be no doubt it helps though, I mean I'm seeing a lot of shiny Pokemon being caught on streams recently and I wouldn't say it's purely chance.
nightmare- i dont think you need a female one to evolve it into gardevoir.
edit Undecided :nightmare- i had nearly the same thing happen to me, with chain fishing... except wailmer is clauncher and the pokemon i wanted was horsea

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