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Looking for a Shiny Bold Eevee with Wish and HA. Or similarly a Shiny Bold Sylveon with wish and pixilate.

I have an extra Event Arceus for trade.
Listen I can get you a Shiny Eevee but I don't know If i can get a bold one with all those things. Slyveon is harder
Ya getting a shiny eevee is easy, but getting a specific one is hard.
I'll try now I dont have the shiny Charm and found a Shiny Feebas
Ya my luck is terrible, I have the shiny charm and have hatched around 930ish eggs and still no shiny eevee
K I'll start now (I was checking the mirage spots)
Well I sure do appreciate ya
Not yet found it
Idk if youd really be able to find one. With those specifics itll be bred usually, unless you get extremely lucky xD
:D bumping for visibility

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