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[NEWS] New Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon News
(Sep 22, 2017, 09:31 PM)Drangor2 Wrote: Maybe this time they use Mega with Z moves? (Or maybe as surprise they add new megas Like Mega alola Ninetales would be cool )

As long as i get more rivals the better i like the game. (I hope in future they add something like the anime of the guy who used Darkrai, and ingame you fight against someone like that and he uses as rival only 3 mons and later he as champion has like 6 legends would be cool)

Mega Alolan Ninetales would be a literal cotton ball like Mega Altaria.  I'd love one..! :')
It would be like this: 
[Image: 176744_original.png]
^ leaks
Thanks for all the good times~

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