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[RATE MY TEAM] Mega Venusaur team
Hi Everybody. I wanted to make a team surrounding Mega Venusaur. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Hey, cfencl!

We'd love to help you out with your team build, but you'll need to give us a little more information than just 'surrounding Mega Venusaur.' Is it for VGC? OU? Do you have a preferred play-style? Any strategies you want to incorporate on the side? Is Venusaur intended to be a defensive or offensice mon?

Hopefully, with a few pointers, we can get you going. Just give us a better idea of what you want first.

- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder 
(Mar 22, 2018, 08:43 PM)0kamii Wrote:
(Mar 22, 2018, 08:43 PM)0kamii Wrote: Hi

this is for the VGC. I’m not sure what kind of team it will be yet but I want to include garchomp, greninja, arca one and sylveon. I’m trying to think of the 6th one but can’t decide. I was thinking about skarmory, crobat, lucario, flygon or heracross but I am open to any suggestion to build my competitive team. This team would thrive in sunny weather. Venusaur is meant to survive any threat. I don’t want to use legendaries because I think they’re cheap and take the fun out of team building and battles. An entry hazard would be good. I used to use very offensive teams but I want to be better strategies from now on. I’m open to anything. What else would you like to know?


Hey, cfencl!

We'd love to help you out with your team build, but you'll need to give us a little more information than just 'surrounding Mega Venusaur.' Is it for VGC? OU? Do you have a preferred play-style? Any strategies you want to incorporate on the side? Is Venusaur intended to be a defensive or offensice mon?

Hopefully, with a few pointers, we can get you going. Just give us a better idea of what you want first.

- 0kamii


Hey, cfencl!

We'd love to help you out with your team build, but you'll need to give us a little more information than just 'surrounding Mega Venusaur.' Is it for VGC? OU? Do you have a preferred play-style? Any strategies you want to incorporate on the side? Is Venusaur intended to be a defensive or offensice mon?

Hopefully, with a few pointers, we can get you going. Just give us a better idea of what you want first.

- 0kamii

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