(EDIT: Very mad because I had to rewrite this after getting all the way to Togekiss' Analysis because I accidentally turned off my laptop)
So my background in competitive play is non-existant because I basically didn't start competitive battling until two months ago when I tried out a Mimikyu build I made after watching Pokeli's (awesome Pokemon remixer) battles with it. After that, I made a bunch of Pokemon teams and rough ideas, until recently I made a team that is entirely a Timid natured team (+ Speed and - Attack)
Why Timid nature? Confusion is a popular status condition and so I figured if I'm gonna try go against that with as little worry as possible, I need a way to make my Pokemon as weak (in Attack) as possible. (One superb example is my Togekiss whos Attack, with all avaliable drops to attack being - Attack Nature, 0 Attack IVs and 0 Attack EVs, is 94 at level 100) So with this in mind, I set out to make my Timid team.
There is no common Type Advantage against this team and in turn there's no common type advantage this team has, Rock and Bug are a little problematic however. Trick Room teams are the biggest threat to this team however, being able to make Pokemon like my Deoxys, at a huge disadvantage. A couple of Pokemon on the team are able to con=unter this with Taunt and other than that, the team has fairly great type coverage too.
Togekiss @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Trick
- Thunder Wave / Ancient Power
- Flamethrower
Togekiss is an interesting Pokemon, it has a base 120 Special Attack, which is incredible for most Pokemon, but a lackluster 80 Base Speed. The Choice Scarf however, helps it to outspeed a good amount of opponents and overpower what would usually be a worrisome threat. It's ability, Serene Grace, is what makes this set work great. This ability boosts the chance of a secondary effect (Example: Air Slash does damage and it's secondary effect is it has a 30% chance to flinch an opponent) by x2. This makes something like Flamethrower have a 20% chance to burn instead of 10 and Air Slash a whopping 60% chance instead of just a mere 30%. Air Slash, as we've explained, is the move that can make or break the opponent's and your turn. The extremely high chance to flinch is unbelievable, but do remember that even though it is so high, it still has a chance to not flinch the foe. Flamethrower is here to burn the opponent if they're a physical attacker. Togekiss' defense is lower than it's Special Defense, so this is a good move to help out with that. Ancient Power is another great move, but only in specific situations. With a 20% <with the SG Boost> chance to boost all of Togekiss' stats, you can use this in situations where you know an opponent has an easy kill like Charizard Mega-Y or Talonflame. Thunder Wave is another move that is very situational, and only should be used if going against something that really threatens the team if Air Slash isn't enough. Whichever move you pick, make sure to pair it with Trick so that you either aren't locked into Struggle Taunt <If you use Thunder Wave> or forced to switch cos the move isn't useful. *NOTE: While practicing, I accidentally found a cruel counter for Trick involving Toxapex (or other Black Sludge holding Pokemon) If your opponent is going to use Trick and you 100% know they will, switch to Toxapex and have them Trick themselves into holding the Black Sludge. From here, they are forced to now do one of two things. Switch, or stay in and Trick it off, giving Toxapex a free Toxic/Toxic Spikes/Infestation*.
Deoxys-Attack @ Psychium Z
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psycho Boost
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
Deoxys is a monster in battles, with it's incredible base speed of 150 <the fastest on this team> and it's base Special Attack of 180, it is very fast and very powerful. Psycho Boost is Deoxys' signature attack and it's most powerful <the most powerful Psychic Type attack in the game barring Z-Moves> with 140 Base Power, the downsides are it has 90 Accuracy, which isn't too bad, and it harshly lowers your Special Attack stat. However, if we pair the Psychium Z with it, it becomes a base 195 power STAB move with no Special Attack drop whatsoever. Psyshock is the counter for Special Defense that have poor Defense walls like Blissey and Chansey that this team otherwise struggles with. Good STAB move, very powerful option of attack. Shadow Ball is there to tackle opponents like Mimikyu if you don't have a switch option and can survive an attack from it. <Which is unlikely> Thunderbolt is used to cover Gyarados, Pelliper and other various Pokemon that do hold that weakness to Electric type attacks, other than that, it's great for coverage against other Pokemon.
Tapu Koko @ Electric Seed / Iapapa Berry / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Dazzling Gleam
- Taunt
- Thunder / Thunderbolt
Tapu Koko is a better physical attacker than it is a special attacker, but that doesn't mean it isn't a great special attacker too. It only has 95 Base Special Attack, but I find that it is pretty good for this team anyway. Item choices are very open to this Pokemon set and I have picked three in particular I find that do very well. Electric Seed boost a Pokemon's defense if it is switch in to Electric Terrain, great item choice for Koko as it's defense isn't the best out there. Iapapa Berry and Sitrus Berry and both good options, depending on what you're facing. Pick the berry that suits the power of the opposing team and you should be fine <if you pick the Berry option that is>. Volt Switch is used to deal some good damage while switching out, a good move for scouting out the opponent's Special Defense while you're hitting it so you can determine who to switch to. Dazzling Gleam is Tapu Koko's only special Fairy type attack, so it's a great option to use against Sableye or even Mega Sableye. Taunt is the move to break Chansey, Blissey, Toxapex and most importantly, Porygon 2. Not much more can be said except that this move is the key to stopping Trick Room and potentially saving your entire team from meltdown. Thunder is a move that is optional, but, should you use it, know that this is a wonderful hard counter to Kyogre Primal. Thunderbolt is the safer, and arguably, better option.
Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Hyper Beam
- Psyshock
Porygon-Z has been here with me ever since I started competitive battling, there is no way I wouldn't use it. Porygon-Z might be my favourite special attacker ever, because it's ability, Adaptability, makes the STAB bonus on an attack 2 instead of 1.5, making Hyper Beam a giant threat. Hyper Beam is PZ's only STAB move here but if you use it, it will do a great hit to somebody who isn't expecting it. With, as everyone knows, a base of 150 power, it is PorygonvZ's most powerful attack. Ice Beam is a good counter to relatively common Pokemon like Serperior and more common threats like Tapu Bulu, of course, you must know that if you stay in on Tapu Bulu, you probably wont be surviving an attack, so it's very situational. Thunderbolt is used to counter the same way as Deoxys and Koko, not a lot more can be said, and exactly the same for Psyshock. Choice Specs is the recommended item here to help these attacks do even more damage *cough*especially Hyper Beam*cough*
Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Fire Blast
- Incinerate
- Heat Wave
Charizard is going to be the Pokemon of choice to deal with Pokemon like Skarmory, with it's high speed and high special attack stat, Charizard (Mega Y) is a great Pokemon to use, and personally the only Mega I considered. <Until Latiosite becomes avaliable then we'll see> Air Slash is it's only Flying STAB move that is a Special Attack <I think> and is a perfect choice for this set, has agood chance to flinch the foe. Fire Blast is a very powerfu; Fire type attack that has a cance to burn the opponent and will be even more powerful thanks to the sun. Incinerate isn't as powerful as the other two attacks, but the key gimmick on this move is that it destroys an opponent's berry, great counter for something like Belly Drum Azumarril or Snorlax. Heat Wave is well, pretty much a weaker Fire Blast that has a better chance to hit, it's a safer option over Fire Blast.
Serperior @ Focus Sash
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dragon Pulse
- Giga Drain
- Glare
- Leaf Storm
The final Pokemon on this team is a great addition to the team, Serperior. I had no clue how good this Pokemon actually was until I a participated in a giveaway where I got a
Shiny Snivy with Contrary. Contrary has a cool effect where if a stat would normally get lowered on the Pokemon with the ability, it will get raised instead and vice-versa. This is the main power of this Pokemon. Leaf Storm is the go-to move here, where as normally it would harshly lower the user's Special Attack, when Serperior <with Cintrary> uses it, it's Sp.Atk will get raised by two stages. The accuracy is the one thing to watch out for. Glare is used to paralyze the opponent to help you try get as many boosts off of Leaf Storm as possible, and to try overcome faster Pokemon. Giga Drain is so Serperior can stay around for longer by healing it's HP back, optimal use is when you're at 4-6 boosts in Sp.Atk to do some heavy damage. Dragon Pulse is here to take one Pokemon like Garchomp, Salamence / Salamence Mega etc. Like Giga Drain, it is best used when you have 4-6 Sp.Atk boosts.
I think this team is really cool to use, it's won me a good few matches as of late, and I will definitely use this more. If you have anyway I can improve this team, please let me know! Thank you!
So my background in competitive play is non-existant because I basically didn't start competitive battling until two months ago when I tried out a Mimikyu build I made after watching Pokeli's (awesome Pokemon remixer) battles with it. After that, I made a bunch of Pokemon teams and rough ideas, until recently I made a team that is entirely a Timid natured team (+ Speed and - Attack)
Why Timid nature? Confusion is a popular status condition and so I figured if I'm gonna try go against that with as little worry as possible, I need a way to make my Pokemon as weak (in Attack) as possible. (One superb example is my Togekiss whos Attack, with all avaliable drops to attack being - Attack Nature, 0 Attack IVs and 0 Attack EVs, is 94 at level 100) So with this in mind, I set out to make my Timid team.
There is no common Type Advantage against this team and in turn there's no common type advantage this team has, Rock and Bug are a little problematic however. Trick Room teams are the biggest threat to this team however, being able to make Pokemon like my Deoxys, at a huge disadvantage. A couple of Pokemon on the team are able to con=unter this with Taunt and other than that, the team has fairly great type coverage too.
Togekiss @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Trick
- Thunder Wave / Ancient Power
- Flamethrower
Togekiss is an interesting Pokemon, it has a base 120 Special Attack, which is incredible for most Pokemon, but a lackluster 80 Base Speed. The Choice Scarf however, helps it to outspeed a good amount of opponents and overpower what would usually be a worrisome threat. It's ability, Serene Grace, is what makes this set work great. This ability boosts the chance of a secondary effect (Example: Air Slash does damage and it's secondary effect is it has a 30% chance to flinch an opponent) by x2. This makes something like Flamethrower have a 20% chance to burn instead of 10 and Air Slash a whopping 60% chance instead of just a mere 30%. Air Slash, as we've explained, is the move that can make or break the opponent's and your turn. The extremely high chance to flinch is unbelievable, but do remember that even though it is so high, it still has a chance to not flinch the foe. Flamethrower is here to burn the opponent if they're a physical attacker. Togekiss' defense is lower than it's Special Defense, so this is a good move to help out with that. Ancient Power is another great move, but only in specific situations. With a 20% <with the SG Boost> chance to boost all of Togekiss' stats, you can use this in situations where you know an opponent has an easy kill like Charizard Mega-Y or Talonflame. Thunder Wave is another move that is very situational, and only should be used if going against something that really threatens the team if Air Slash isn't enough. Whichever move you pick, make sure to pair it with Trick so that you either aren't locked into Struggle Taunt <If you use Thunder Wave> or forced to switch cos the move isn't useful. *NOTE: While practicing, I accidentally found a cruel counter for Trick involving Toxapex (or other Black Sludge holding Pokemon) If your opponent is going to use Trick and you 100% know they will, switch to Toxapex and have them Trick themselves into holding the Black Sludge. From here, they are forced to now do one of two things. Switch, or stay in and Trick it off, giving Toxapex a free Toxic/Toxic Spikes/Infestation*.
Deoxys-Attack @ Psychium Z
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psycho Boost
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
Deoxys is a monster in battles, with it's incredible base speed of 150 <the fastest on this team> and it's base Special Attack of 180, it is very fast and very powerful. Psycho Boost is Deoxys' signature attack and it's most powerful <the most powerful Psychic Type attack in the game barring Z-Moves> with 140 Base Power, the downsides are it has 90 Accuracy, which isn't too bad, and it harshly lowers your Special Attack stat. However, if we pair the Psychium Z with it, it becomes a base 195 power STAB move with no Special Attack drop whatsoever. Psyshock is the counter for Special Defense that have poor Defense walls like Blissey and Chansey that this team otherwise struggles with. Good STAB move, very powerful option of attack. Shadow Ball is there to tackle opponents like Mimikyu if you don't have a switch option and can survive an attack from it. <Which is unlikely> Thunderbolt is used to cover Gyarados, Pelliper and other various Pokemon that do hold that weakness to Electric type attacks, other than that, it's great for coverage against other Pokemon.
Tapu Koko @ Electric Seed / Iapapa Berry / Sitrus Berry
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Dazzling Gleam
- Taunt
- Thunder / Thunderbolt
Tapu Koko is a better physical attacker than it is a special attacker, but that doesn't mean it isn't a great special attacker too. It only has 95 Base Special Attack, but I find that it is pretty good for this team anyway. Item choices are very open to this Pokemon set and I have picked three in particular I find that do very well. Electric Seed boost a Pokemon's defense if it is switch in to Electric Terrain, great item choice for Koko as it's defense isn't the best out there. Iapapa Berry and Sitrus Berry and both good options, depending on what you're facing. Pick the berry that suits the power of the opposing team and you should be fine <if you pick the Berry option that is>. Volt Switch is used to deal some good damage while switching out, a good move for scouting out the opponent's Special Defense while you're hitting it so you can determine who to switch to. Dazzling Gleam is Tapu Koko's only special Fairy type attack, so it's a great option to use against Sableye or even Mega Sableye. Taunt is the move to break Chansey, Blissey, Toxapex and most importantly, Porygon 2. Not much more can be said except that this move is the key to stopping Trick Room and potentially saving your entire team from meltdown. Thunder is a move that is optional, but, should you use it, know that this is a wonderful hard counter to Kyogre Primal. Thunderbolt is the safer, and arguably, better option.
Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Hyper Beam
- Psyshock
Porygon-Z has been here with me ever since I started competitive battling, there is no way I wouldn't use it. Porygon-Z might be my favourite special attacker ever, because it's ability, Adaptability, makes the STAB bonus on an attack 2 instead of 1.5, making Hyper Beam a giant threat. Hyper Beam is PZ's only STAB move here but if you use it, it will do a great hit to somebody who isn't expecting it. With, as everyone knows, a base of 150 power, it is PorygonvZ's most powerful attack. Ice Beam is a good counter to relatively common Pokemon like Serperior and more common threats like Tapu Bulu, of course, you must know that if you stay in on Tapu Bulu, you probably wont be surviving an attack, so it's very situational. Thunderbolt is used to counter the same way as Deoxys and Koko, not a lot more can be said, and exactly the same for Psyshock. Choice Specs is the recommended item here to help these attacks do even more damage *cough*especially Hyper Beam*cough*
Charizard-Mega-Y @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Air Slash
- Fire Blast
- Incinerate
- Heat Wave
Charizard is going to be the Pokemon of choice to deal with Pokemon like Skarmory, with it's high speed and high special attack stat, Charizard (Mega Y) is a great Pokemon to use, and personally the only Mega I considered. <Until Latiosite becomes avaliable then we'll see> Air Slash is it's only Flying STAB move that is a Special Attack <I think> and is a perfect choice for this set, has a
Serperior @ Focus Sash
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dragon Pulse
- Giga Drain
- Glare
- Leaf Storm
The final Pokemon on this team is a great addition to the team, Serperior. I had no clue how good this Pokemon actually was until I a participated in a giveaway where I got a
![[Image: star.gif]](http://pokemonforever.com/images/icons/star.gif)
I think this team is really cool to use, it's won me a good few matches as of late, and I will definitely use this more. If you have anyway I can improve this team, please let me know! Thank you!