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Legendaries for trade, working on National Dex, and need more FC's!
Hey Everyone, I'm still kinda new here, but i'm working on my National Pokedex and have a few extra legendaries for trade.  I'm willing to trade for other legendaries i don't have yet (Yvetal and event pokemon) or possibly shinies.  I'm also looking for friend codes to add to my friend safari.  If you are interested, please pm me and let me know.  Here's the list of legendaries i have for trade:

 - Landorus
 - Heatran
 - Terrakion
 - Raikou (x2)
 - Entei
 - Cobalion
 - Suicune
 - Deoxys (x2)
 - Latios
 - Virizion
 - Giritina

Thanks in advance guys!

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