Alright, I know this is a lot to ask for but is anyone willing to help me finish my pokedex on oras? I'd just need you to trade them to me then I'd trade back.
I don't have that many left to get in the Hoenn dex but I need a decent mount in national dex. Hopefully someone can help me I appreciate it a lot Smile
Aug 11, 2015, 08:52 AM (This post was last modified: Aug 13, 2015, 03:10 AM by Justinthepiplup.)
Alright here's the list of what I need for the Hoenn Dex. I know it's a lot, I don't expect one person to help me with all but any of them help, I will be going after them on my own too and i'll delete the ones I don't need anymore
Hoenn Dex
Hey Justin, want to help you but strangely enough I am missing most of what you are as well lol. You can probably get a good bit of those by listing stuff on the GTS (such as HA breedjects)
This are my findings after years of intense research at the Antartica Geologic Research Post, my butt is freezing here:
Alakazam I need mine back
Cacnea Done
Gyarados I need mine back
Lileep I need mine back
Psyduck Done
Sealeo Done
Seviper Done
Shedinja I need mine back
Snorunt Done
Solrock Done
Volbeat Done
Done = Keep it and don't complain about keeping it.
I need mine back = I need it back
If you have a Groudon I can touch trade. I will appreciate the gesture.
These will be traded in that order.
I will be online at 4PM CT today.
If you want at the end of the trading session I can send you Geodude, Marill, Aron, Gulpin, Pikachu, for you to evolve. You need to confirm this.