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[REQUEST] LF:Specific Shinies
Okay, so, as the title says, I am looking for a few specific shinies. If anyone has a:

| Shiny Togekiss
•Nature:Modest or Timid
•Ability:Super Luck preferably
•Moves: Extreme Speed, Metronome, Sky Attack, Aura Sphere

I also want someone (if it is possible though) to turn my Celebi shiny! I just want a Pink Celebi!
Thank you for your time reading this, preferably, I want to get the Togekiss free (Like, you'll accept anything) if not, the only shiny low enough level to trade for this is my Pumpernickel (Ludicolo) who is level 40. Thank you if your willing to help me!
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around

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